Chapter Seven

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“Hey, is that who I think it is?” Yellow gasped, pointing frantically at a shadow in the distance.

I peered carefully. Yellow, Leaf and I were sitting at the bank of The River Marin, as I was told it was called, at sunset, just watching the clouds with our feet in the water peacefully.

But, no, not anymore, because Yellow was pointing like an obsessed fan girl at two shadows in the distance or the valley.

Leaf look past Yellow’s finger and glared, “Oh Arceus, it’s them,” she sighed.

“Hello, whose them?” I asked, I looked closer and noticed it was three figures.

“Howdy strangers!” one of them yelled over to us.

Leaf covered her ears while Yellow’s eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head.

“Oh would you three go away!” Leaf yelled back at the top of her lungs.

I tilted my head curiously, “Just so you know, those boys are Volkner, Flint and Aaron. There all very popular back in the Sinnoh region,” Yellow whispered in my ear.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Leaf Green, who are your friends?” one with caterpie eyes hair asked.

“Oi, well who are you?” I snapped at his.

He patted my head, “Cute kid, real cute, but drop the temper.”

I fumed, “Why does everyone keep calling me a kid!? I am no younger than fifteen freaking years old!!” I screamed.

“How in the name of Arceus is that tyke fifteen, she’s tiny,” one with fuzzy red hair smirked.

I turned to Leaf, “Is there a reason that you know these jerks or is it just bad luck?” I whispered in her ear.

“Just crap luck, the one with the afro is Flint, bug hair over there’s name is Aaron and tall blonde and silent name is Volkner.”

“Hey, can we be let in on the conversation?” Flint asked.

“Oh butt out before I lay you three on your sorry butts,” I snorted, losing my temper a bit, okay, a lot.

Flint opened his mouth to retort but Volkner stopped him furiously shaking.

“You watch your mouth kid! Show some respect!” he barked down at me.

I fumed, my eyes turning black making Aaron jump back a bit, “What happened to your eyes kid?”

I moved to kick him but Volkner pushed me back forcefully.

“Fuck off him!” he shouted at me. Yellow was still staring while Leaf was burning at no end.

“Back off Volkner, she’s not going on you,” she hissed, pushing the tall and powerful boy off me.

“Who asked you weakling?” he scoffed.

“Hey, Volkner, Aaron, Flint, you came!” Blue yelled, running up to the turmoil.

“Yeah, we shouldn’t have come, Leaf little friend’s temper is getting to me,” Volkner snorted walking over to him.

“Oh try and deal with it you damn pussy, I want nothing to do with you anyways, go to hell,” I retorted.

“What did you just say!!?” he braked down at me again.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Volkner, you’ve been here for like five minutes and you already started a fight with someone that’s younger than you,” Blue scolded the electrifying blonde, “And Cyrus, you’re supposed to be staying indoors until your concision heals,” he pointed at me, “Then finally, Leaf, Yellow, Aaron and Flint should be inside and sleeping because it’s ghost night.”

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