Chapter Three

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“Wow, that was fantastic, now here’s proof that you’ve beaten the Nacrene City gym,” Leona congratulated, handing me the badge.

I left without a good bye. I had been to Castelia City and I had gotten the insect badge.

I was cleaning every gym leader’s clock with my kick ass infernape. We had really bonded over the last week of training.

I was fine with having no company on my adventuring. I think N had a really great idea, telling me to become a trainer.

I still knew zip about battling though. I knew about types and things but I didn’t know about other things, like how to plan line ups.

That brought forward something I had at the back of my mind.

I was going to Nimbasa City next, to challenge Elesa. Lane had said that the school was west of the city.

I let aipom and infernape out for a while, but stuck to the shadows to avoid the strange looks that my infernape got.

“Hey infernape, do you want a nickname?” I asked my flame pokemon. He nodded.

“What do you think about, Blade?”


“Alright, Blade it is.”

I began walking down route 3.

“Apa, apa!” Nyx cried. I looked on ahead and noticed someone slumped against a tree.

I rushed towards them. It was a girl; she looked about eighteen, with brown hair. She was wearing a blue shirt and a hat that had a design of a half poke ball.

She was out cold but still breathing. I tried to wake her up. My eyes appeared deep blue with sadness. It almost reminded me of when I was little.

I heard distant shouts.

“Where did that girl go?”

“Damn she can move!”

“Remind me to pound Silver and Gold for pissing her off!”

“I think we should just keep looking for Green.”

I continued my waking up but nothing was working. The voices were getting closer and closer. I didn’t want to be seen by anyone. From listening to their loud mouth shouting and spats I could identify that there were four boys and a girl.

“Who’s that?” someone asked, they were close. I was pretty sure the person, a boy, was talking about me.

I turned around to see five teenagers surrounding me. They all looked older than me by a good two years, besides the girl, she looked sixteen at the most.

I sprang to my feet but boy grabbed me. His hands were on my shoulders, holding me down.

“Hey, where are you going so quickly, we’re not going to hurt you,” he tried soothing me, rubbing my shoulders. My jacket unzipped, I had zipped it up because it had gotten cold, exposing my heavy medical work.

“Oh my gosh, what happened to you??” one of the boys exclaimed, pointing at me flat, covered, torso.

“Get off me!” I cried, one eye was red and the other was light blue. I was a little embarrassed that I was being held down like prey, even though I was used to people being stronger than me.

The girl eyed me closely, “Hey, did your eyes just change colour?” she asked.

“I’ll answer your obvious question if you hold off me,” I huffed. The weight was lifted form my shoulders.

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