Chapter Fourteen

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Red’s POV

When Volkner, Blue and I came back we didn’t speak to anyone but I heard a beautiful voice roll across the waves and speak to me.  

We just said that Cyrus was doing so special training with Kino.

I went straight to bed, dreaming about nothing but nothing but Cyrus Valour.

Some were nightmares and some were thoughts if she was going to come back. One way or another I was going to tell everyone what happened last night, in the morning.

When I woke up I called around and asked everyone to come to my room, quickly.

Volkner and the twins were first, followed by a curious Leaf along with Blue, who looked a bit dead. Flint came with Aaron and Yellow, Silver tagged along with Lane and Gold.

I was staring at the celling, thinking of how to tell them.

“Is there a reason that Cyrus isn’t here?” Silver asked impatiently, “Because I have a bed to be in right now.”

“She’s gone,” I mumbled.

“Speak louder Red,” Leaf snapped not many people that I know are morning people.

“I said she’s fuckin gone!” I yelled, losing my temper with the redhead.

“Wait a second, what do you mean gone?” Lane asked quickly.

“You want the whole story, well here it is,” I explained the whole thing, well what I was wake for, in spitting detail.

When I finish Volker told the parts that he saw. Leaf was shaking her head, as if to say why the hell I let her go. The twins shed a few tears, Gold and Lane looked like they were going to hunt them down, along with Silver’s murderous expression.

Suddenly it felt like the whole boat tilted.

A voice blasted through the loud speaker, “Attention! Attention! The boat is sinking, please report to check point A!”

We went into a sure panic.

“OH MY ARCEUS!” Leaf screamed, “We’re all going to die!”

Blue picked her up and rushed out of the door. We all followed after them but we were too late.

A torrent of water was blasting down the halls towards us. By a really stupid natural instinct, we ran like hell.

Though we were quickly swept away by the current and the twins immediately passed out. Volkner was holding Des as tightly as he could, and the cold hearted sea princess Silver, was clutching January, I never took to calling her Jan that much.

Leaf was trying to hold her breath while trying to wake up Blue, Gold and Lane.

I was the last to pass out, knowing that we had drifted into the ocean by then.

My vision was blurry and the sea was tearing me up. The storm was vicious and unforgiving.

Right before I went out I was dead sure that I saw the face of Cyrus, extending a hand to me.

Cyrus’ POV

I had left the boat only a short while ago, I would say about a good three hours.

The wailord was friendly and fast, allowing me transport on its back to Hoenn and other places.

The large pokemon brought me to Hoenn first, I was in desperate need of clothes.

I hopped off of it and stumbled onto the dock, not realizing how weak my legs were from my little run away game.

I made my way across the docks to a small shop at the port that looked about safe enough.

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