Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: If you hadn’t noticed the Peter Pan that I’m talking about is not Disney’s Peter Pan. It basically the Colombia Peter Pan from 2003 with little things that I changed, but to make it clear, I don’t own it.

This chapter is based on the movie and it begins right after the scene that I wrote in the previous chapter, enjoy.

3Rd Person POV

Silver lay awake in his bed that night after playing to his sisters.

Diamond was fast asleep as was her sister but there was something keeping him up and he didn’t know what it was.

At last he was able to close his eyes and slumber for about three minutes before hearing a soft melodic voice by the window.

He could only see a small figure sitting in the window sill singing with his guitar.

She, at least he thought it was a she, was playing ‘Outside’ and her voice was high enough to play just the acoustics and make it sound amazing.

He got out of his bed and slowly walked up behind her. He tapped her shoulder and she turned around.

She pinned him on the ground and there was a dagger at his throat.

“Get off me,” He hissed, fighting her off.

She was dressed in leaves and flowers and her hair was red and shoulder length with a blue feather in it.

“Who are you?” The red haired boy asked her. She stood up and a little figure landed on her shoulder.

“I am Pan,” she introduced bowing, “Who are you?”

“”The name’s Silver,” he responded, “Get out.”

The little figure on her shoulder flew around the room into a drawer.

Silver slammed in shut and pointed out of the window for where’s she came.

She darted around his instruction and woke up Pearl who gasped at the sudden movement.

“Pan, you came back!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms around the girl, “I found your shadow for you. Diamond wake up.” She pushed her twin out of the bed and she fell with a thud.

She rubbed her eyes sleepily and then smiled when she saw Pan, “Oh, you did come back, I thought you weren’t coming tonight.”

“What the hell is going on here?” Silver asked, “You know her?”

Pan reached for her dagger but Pearl stopped her, “Pan, this is out brother Silver, Silver, this is our friends Pan.”

Silver gawked, “Your what?”

Diamond shook a finger in his face, “We all know that you’re not deaf Silver,” she chuckled, “She plays to us as well, she a bit better than you.”

Pan was gone though, not hearing a word as she rushed around, looking for Blue, her fairy.

Suddenly she heard a noise and the familiar dark shape flashed across the halls.

She chased after it as fast as she could, “Come back here you damn shadow!”

It spun into the nursery and she flew in after it making the three siblings gasp.

She grabbed it and it towed her all over the roof.

The shadow smacked her against the wall and she fell down with a thud, “Why did I have the fucking violent shadow?”

Diamond helped her up, “What is that thing?”

Pan frowned, “That thing is a part of me, are you calling me a thing?”

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