Chapter Sixteen

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I was in a pretty awesome mood for a morning, but I probably had something to do with the fact that I was on a private jet flying to a movie set that I was going to work on.

My paralysis had worn off about a day ago when Red saved my ass.

Gold was chatting with the twins about the film proses or something like that. Leaf, Yellow and I were texting across the room instead of talking face to face.

Silver was reading a book about acting in some sorts and Blue was sleeping like a baby in his room with Volkner. Red was playing pool with Aaron and Flint was just watching.

Yellow De Viridian: I’m sad, I don’t want Volkner to go back home.

Cat Eyes and Cy: Too bad, he’s a gym leader, it’s not like he can just quite for a relationship.

Pesky Girl: She has a point Yellow, you must have seen it coming at some point.

Yellow De Viridian: Gee, thanks for the sympathy, I’m just sad that he’s leaving right after the movie finishes

Cat Eyes And Cy: But the thing will take months, so stop your sudden sobbing

Yellow De Viridian: I just think it’s cool that they’re redoing Peter Pan with a girl instead of a boy for the lead or Peter and changing most of the names

Pesky Girl: I think it’s cool that they’re letting the girl be all powerful but I wouldn’t want the spot, I think I would fit well as Wendy’s mother

Cat Eyes and Cy: Why wouldn’t you want the roll of Peter Pan, or whatever they change the name to?

Yellow De Viridian: Because there is a big chance of Red getting casted as Captain Hook because he can be a really serious and dark character, wouldn’t you be scared of running into him in a back alley?

Cat Eyes and Cy: So, Silver is a thousand times scarier than Red, so why not make it him?

Pesky Girl: But Red can LOOK scary, but when Silver is in a good mood he looks like the pure being of innocence instead o the devil’s spawn

Silver: Nice to know what you think Leaf

Cat Eyes and Cy: What the hell, I thought you were reading!?

Silver: This is reading, and it’s more amusing than a book, by the way, I never look innocent

Yellow De Viridian: Look at yourself in the mirror when you’re happy and then say different, you look as innocent as Cyrus

Pesky Girl: We’re almost back in Unova

Cat Eyes And Cy: Suddenly I’m not so peppy about goin to my old region

Yellow De Viridian: I have some good news that you’re going to love

Cat Eyes And Cy: What, Ghetsis got arrested when he went back to Unova?

Pesky Girl: Yup!

Suddenly the seatbelt sign went on. “Please fasten your seatbelts for our decent into Unova International Airport.”

I clicked my seatbelt and Red sat next to me, “So did Yellow tell you?”

I nodded as we touched down on the ground.

Pokestars Studios….

“Ah, welcome to pokestars studios,” Mr Gold greeted us at the front gate.

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