Chapter Eleven

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“Students!” professor Juniper called out, waving us down to sit down in the grass.

“I can’t believe that it’s over already, just the battles and then we see the valedictorian and victor, then we all go back to where we came from,” Jan sighed, “I wonder who the girl is going to be, though watching the boys battle it out is rather entertaining.”

“You have a god point there,” I thought out loud, putting my head on Red’s stomach.

“To tell the truth there aren’t two overall winners,” Gold pointed out, playing with Des’ hair.

“Goldie is right,” Blue added, “There’s a winner from the boys and girls then they battle it out for the overall title.”

“And trust me, battling a determined kitty is no fun at all,” Lane said.

“Alright students, we have our battling schedule, it will be posted to you online and battling begins at one today. Now you may all report back to your rooms,” she waved us away.

Red picked me up bridal style, “After I win we’re all going to the beach party,” he told me, kissing my cheek making Yellow coo.

“Who said you’re going to win?” Aaron questioned, “I am in the elite four.”

“Well, I do believe that being the best trainer in two regions rules over a pussy bug boy,” I teased, making myself comfortable.

“Don’t be mean Cyrus, it takes one to know one,” Flint scolded.

“Actually Cyrus has a point, Red has beaten the elite four in plenty of regions,” Volkner mumbled.

I folded my arms and huffed, almost falling on the ground.

“Don’t do that again,” Silver laughed, “You’ll lose more brain cells.”

“I wonder what outfit I’m going to get,” Leaf wondered.

I slipped onto the ground, “What do you mean?”

“Oh yeah, I forgot you haven’t come here before,” Yellow snickered, “Let’s just say they call it battle royal for a reason.”

Back at my room with Silver and all the others….

“You have to be fucking kidding me,” I huffed, looking at the outfit on my bed.

“Would you rather have the girls outfit?” Silver questioned incredulously.

I looked at the attire then back at what the twins were wearing.

“Yuh know what? You’re right, I’m going to change, adios.”

When I came out I was surprised that I looked good.

Red was smirking at my get-up.

It was a black jacket that had coat tails. The shirt underneath had one of the flare things in the front with a red studded chocker that was based with a sliver band.

The pants were the same black and they came right down to my feet though they were tucked in shiny black boots. I had tied my white hair back in a ponytail with a red ribbon that Blue just had to fiddle with; he said it still made me look different.

“Well, because I look so much like a boy,” I looked to Red and pointed, “No kissing for you today.”

He stuck out his tongue at me as I posed in the mirror.

“What pokemon did you choose?” Lane asked me, all the girls had left my room.

“Why would I tell you? So you can make up a counter strategy?” I snorted, going through Silver’s bag.

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