Chapter Nine

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“Cyrus….hey Cyrus….wake up woman!” Silver’s voice was heard blasting in my ear.

I opened my eyes to see all my friends, and some others, leaning over my bed with anxious eyes.

N was holding my hand and he looked so scared.

“Did you know that it’s kinda weird to wake up with loads of people standing over you?” I huffed but no one heard me.

I had another one of the clear air masks on my face and there was a heart monitor hooked up to me.

My head had a hot towel on it and there was a bump resting underneath it. I had a missive drip in my hand and it was covered by an equally big ankle style bandage.

“Um….what happened? Why are you all looking at me like a came back to life?”

“Because you did Cyrus,” Blue said, his voice was almost a whisper and he was opening and closing his fists.

“Wh-what do y-you mean?”

“The doctors had to jump start your heart with electricity and wake you up,” Leaf cried, seizing Yellow’s hand.

“You were in a state of shock that put your heart in bad shape and when you fainted your boyfriend said that you stopped breathing,” A tall male doctor said from the door, “Has this ever happened before?”

I closed my eyes slowly, feeling tired I yawned, “I-I feel weak.”

“Come on, stay with us Cyrus, don’t close your eyes,” N begged, grasping my hand more.

“I-I’m trying, just….how did it happen?”

“I came up to you during our class and put a hand on your shoulder and you screamed and fainted.”

“I thought you were Kyle,” I shrugged, trying to sound calm when the whole thing was worrying to no end.

“I feel like this is my fault,” N sighed.

“It’s not your fault N,” January started, “You couldn’t have known that would happen,” December finished.

“Can I go back to camp soon?” I asked.

Red shot me an incredulous look, “You just barely made it out of a near death situation and you want to go back to school?” Silver gawked.

“Technically I did make it out, and I can walk so why can’t I leave?”

“To tell the truth, Cyrus can go right after she gets a blood test,” the doctor said.

“A-A blood test, as in needles?” I stuttered. Lane and Gold giggled.

“What happened, little Cyrus scared of pointy needles?” Gold teased.

No,” I muttered sarcastically. The boys burst into hysteric laughter, even N.

The doctor came back into the room then Lane and Gold covered my eyes.

“Hey, off my eyes,” I complained pulling at their eyes.

“Cyrus, just hold out your arms and breath slowly,” Blue’s voice instructed, opening out my arm and tapping a vein.

I crunched my eyes shut as the doctor took the drip out of my wrist and left the wrap over it, and then took of the mask to.

The heart monitor stopped beeping and I almost felt normal, yuh know, like I didn’t almost pass up my life because I thought my boyfriend was my brother.

I was rather content until I felt the most horrible feeling on my skin, a needle point.

He pushed it right into the vein in the middle of my arm, from what I could feel besides pain, it was really deep.

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