Chapter Six

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I opened my eyes and was happy to know that I wasn’t being transported to a tree.

Yellow was rushing around the room, laying out clothes and tying her hair back.

“Oh, Cyrus, you’re up, go and shower then slip on your PE clothes that are laid out,” Yellow rushed, “We get laps when we’re late.”

I rubbed my eyes and noticed that gothorita was still asleep.

“Thanks Yellow.”

I got to my feet and exited to go and shower. Suddenly I remembered that I had no extra plaster at all. Oh well, I think the burn marks are mostly gone.

I came out of the shower and wrapped up in a towel. I prayed that I didn’t run into anyone on my way back to the room.

I dumped into someone on my way back, “Oi, learn to walk smartass.”

“Watch your mouth dipshit, it’s not my fault that you walk with your eyes in the roof!” Silver yelled at me. I shoved past him, knocking him on his butt.

I walked faster but then I heard him get up and start chasing after me. I started to run, my sheet white hair flying behind me.

I skidded a corner and slipped quickly into my own room. I locked the door, just in time for Silver to get there.

“Open the door!” he yelled, attracting the attention of everyone that was living in the large hall.

“Sorry smartass, I have to change,” I laughed. I dug through the drawers that just so happened to be per packed with any important clothing.

The outfit consisted of a purple t shirt and white shorts that matched my happy silver eyes.

I tied my hair into a high ponytail and grabbed a pair a scissors. I was going to get back at Silver for that prank last night, I knew it was his weavile that attacked with ice beam.

I stood right by the door, and then slowly opened a tiny bit to make sure Silver was still there.

Of course the annoying and mean redhead was still there, glaring at the door and tapping his foot impatiently. I opened the door, hiding the object behind my back.

“Why do you look so fucking happy?” he snapped.

“Do you really want to know?” I asked, smiling more.

“I’m not sure.” I snipped the blades at his hair and a red tuft fell right out. He went beet red with the furious piss.

I skipped a switchfoot and ran right across the hall, slamming the door for Yellow and Leaf to stare at me.

“What happened to you? You look like a flustered pidgey,” Yellow smirked, pulling a brush through her shoulder length hair.

I breathed out deeply and gothorita appeared in front of me.

“I think I just signed my death wish.”

Leaf patted gothorita on the head, “What did you do, I just heard Silver yelling at you to let him in.”

“I’m gonna kill you kid!!” Silver screamed in the hall.

Leaf cocked a brow, “Cyrus, what did you do. Please don’t tell me you got him back?”

“Oh just tell us Cyrus, it has to be pretty bad to make Silvy scream like that?” Yellow prodded.

“IcutSilver’spreciousredhairaftericameoutoftheroom,” I blurted. Yellow laughed and Leaf looked horrified.

“I suggest you watch your back Cyrus, Silver broke his friend Lyra’s finger when she even tried touching that hair,” Leaf gasped.

“Thanks, now I’m scared, and we have that ghost type class today don’t we?”

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