Chapter Ten

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I cried for a straight, and quiet, hour before thinking of how I would get inside.

I didn’t want anyone to see me then ask about the date. I was sure that my eyes were a deep blue and most knew what that meant.

At last I decided to sneak in really late. Around one would do the trick of getting past the rooms. I just hope Silver is a deep sleeper, for my sake.

I waited in the tree, sucking in tears every now and then, until the time came.

All the hallway lights were off and I couldn’t say anything about the rooms. I crept silently down the passage, my French style hat hanging over the side of my slightly curled hair.  

I didn’t hear a sound, so my plan was doing great.

At last I was at the door, I couldn’t see light streaming from the bottom like you usually would.

I lightly pushed the door, seeing as Silver left it open for once, he’s such a jerk.

I poked my head in the see candle light.

There was Silver in the middle of the room with his legs crossed in a yoga position with candles surrounding him.

He was making this too easy; I thought he would be more of the ‘put up walls’ type.

I placed my foot on the floor and immediately his hand shot out.

“Do you know what time it is??” he snapped, not opening his silver eyes, that were more intimidating than Red’s scarlet ones.

I continued to move, ignoring the fact that he knew of my intrusion. I was right next to him when his eyes flashed open and he grabbed my foot, making me fall flat on my face.

“Where have you been?” the redhead interrogated me.

“What part of Nimbasa City did you not get?” I snapped, trying to free myself.

“But you came back hours ago, and you didn’t leave again because you couldn’t. So I’ll ask again Cyrus, Where. Have. You. Been?!”

I couldn’t tell him. He’d either, laugh his head off, or, beat N to a pulp.

“I was just hanging out, nothing important,” I shrugged, thought tears really wanted to come down.

“Don’t make me force it out of you Cyrus,” he threatened, getting up and holding my right arm behind my back.

“Get off me Silver,” I hissed.

“Tell me then,” he commanded, pulling my arms tightly.

I felt a few tears pull down my eyes and Silver dropped my arm, even though it wasn’t because of him.

“Are you crying??” I asked frantically. I heard the door and Blue came quickly, how he heard, I do not know.

I let my face become wet and I cried and cried.

“What the hell happened?” Silver asked.

“I-I went to N-Nimbasa and I couldn’t find N. I a-asked him wh-where he was and he said he was busy. Th-then I looked to the F-Farris Wheel and he was kissing another girl,” I spluttered. 

Silver looked utterly beside himself and Blue looked the same.

Blue picked me up and took me over to Yellow and Leaf’s room.

The brunette came to the door and rubbed her eyes.

“Hey, Cyrus, how was the date?” she asked, with her damn eyes closed.

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