Chapter Four

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“Yo, Cyrus, we’re here, get up,” Lane shook me.

I opened an eye. Lane was carrying me in his arms, grinning at me. A sudden stir made me fall on my butt, hard.

“What was that for??” I yelled, my eyes a light blue. Lane grinned, getting closer to me.

“So you’re embarrassed then?” he asked, cocking a brow.

“How would you know, so what, my eyes change colour, big deal,” I snorted.

“Don’t even try that, I looked through your diary while you were sleeping and I know about your moody eyes.”

I kicked him in the shin and he cried out like hell, “Cyrus Harmonia, you do not kick a teacher!” he yelped.

“Well, seeing as all the teachers here are most likely under the age of 22, I have no desire to show respect to any of you,” I scoffed.

He tutted at me, “You’re going to get lots of laps and chores, I hope you know that. This is a serious deal,” he scolded.

I pulled the band out of my hair, letting it fall low from its original bun.

“I don’t care, it’s your fault I’m stuck here for the next week,” I muttered.

Lane grabbed my arm, “Come on squirt, we’re going places. I’m going to find your room so I know where to look when Red, Blue and Silver look pissed.”

He marched me off to a large block of rooms that looked like a dojo of some sorts.

“Because you’re so troublesome, you can have a room close to the teachers’ rooms.”

He opened a door wide for me and I looked around. There were two beds.

“I think that your roommate is one of the slightly older teachers, his name is Silver,” Lane told me.

There was a poke ball on one bed, “I’m checking out the poke ball.”

I threw it up in the air.

“Emolga!” the little pokemon cried out, jumping on my shoulder.

“Wow, she’s adorable,” I cooed, scratching under the little pokemon’s chin.

That was when I noticed that Lane was gone.

“Oh well, I’m going to call you Merit, do you like that name,” I asked. Emolga frowned.

“Ema, Emolga!”

“Okay, so you don’t like that name, then what bout Erin?” I continued.

She nodded and snuggled close to me. “Well I think I’m going to let you play with my other pokemon.”

I let out Nyx and Blade.

“Apa!” my aipom cried, jumping to my other shoulder.

“Em-olga?” my emolga graced.

My infernape sprang onto me, feeling left out.

I listened closely outside. I heard voices, but infernape was a bit too heavy, so I couldn’t get off the floor.

“Hey, I have this room, Yellow is across the hall with Green, then Blue is in a room at the end of the hall with Red and Gold and Lane are right next door to me,” someone said outside, “I’m so happy I have my own room!”

They couldn’t be talking about this room, but then again, Lane said I had to share a teacher’s room.

Infernape and emolga were right on top of me, and aipom was on my head.

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