17) Surprises

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Lily's P.O.V

"What the bloody hell have you done?" James screamed to the front of the train. 

"We have to go help him!" I shouted over the sound of the engine and the train rolling over the tracks. I grabbed James by the wrist and dragged him three cars ahead to the conductor's area. 

Peter stood, looking terrified. "All I did was shovel coal here and light it up! I thought it was a weird old-timely furnace!" He shouted. 

I looked to where he was pointing. "Peter! This train is powered by coal! That's the engine! Ugh, I didn't even know trains still ran on coal! This is a freaking magic school, you'd think the train would run on, oh, I don't know, magic!" We were already speeding past  the school, faster than I would've liked. Luckily, no one inside the school seemed to notice. "We've got to stop this train and somehow get it back before anyone notices." 

"How the hell do you propose we do that?" James screamed. 

I racked my brain for ideas. "What if- what if we poured water on the hot coals? Peter, you look for a brake! It's not going to stop quickly, but it will stop it. James, start shoveling the coals out. Throw them out of the window if you have to, I don't care! Just get the ones that aren't burning out! I'm going to look for some water to see if I can keep them from burning!" (Quick A/N: I know absolutely nothing about trains. I know as little as there is to know about trains. Don't try this at home because there's no way it will work. Also, why also you have a train at home in the first place? Does that even look remotely like a furnace? Peter has an excuse, he's a pure-blood. He's probably never even seen  are furnace or a steam engine before. You have. Don't be Peter. ONLY OPERATE TRAINS IF YOU KNOW HOW OR YOU ARE WITH SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HOW AND HAS PERMITTED YOU TO.) I shouted, running around like a crazy person. 

"Will it work?" James asked. 

"No idea, we have to try" I shouted. 

"How are we going to get it back into the station?" Peter asked. 

"That's the least of our problems now,  Peter!" I screamed. 

I left them in search of the dining car, a discarded water-bottle, a fire extinguisher, anything! Anything that would get me out of this insane mess. How did I get here in the first place? Why me? Where had I gone wrong?

And then I realized. 

Everything was all  James bloody Potter's fault. 

Every single time I got detention. 

Every  time I was busted for doing something bag. 

Every time I had to use my brain to get out of a difficult situation. 

Every time I had to save someone else's arse only to save my own. 

It was all James bloody Potter's fault. 

And I loved it. 

There was a sense of adventure to him when he was being nice to me. When we were talking with no one else around. The way he looked at me when we were about to do something totally insane. It was always that fire, that speck of adventure with him. The 'it doesn't have to be this hard, but it might as well be'. The naive and stupid bravery. The Gryffindor. It was all because of him, all of it. 

And it was that sense of adventure I wanted to be with forever. 

"Lily! Come help us!" Adventure called from the front of the train. 

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