chapter 9

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Erens POV

My name is Eren Jaeger, I am thirteen years old and live with my sister Mikasa and my mom, Carla.

Right now I'm cutting through the park to get home faster.

I stop by a tree and check my phone to see if mom called me. Nope.

I hear footsteps and glance up to see another boy standing infront of me with a black undercut and colorless eyes and pale skin who was a tad bit taller than me.

"So I finally found you after ten years." he says.

"What?" I ask.

Who the hell is this kind of hot person??? Why do I feel like I know him..?

He pushes me against the tree and leans close to me.

"It seems that our age gaps aren't that different anymore, huh, Eren?.. And I'm finally taller, how about that?"

How does he know my name??

"How do you know my name?? Who are you??" I ask.

The small smirk on his face fades away and he turns around.

"It's probably better that you don't know." he sighs.

"Well can you tell me your name?" I ask.

He glares at the ground then says,"Levi... Ackerman."

Suddenly my blood start rushing faster and my pulse goes crazy and my eyes widen.

Memories flash in my head, there is a battle field, there is water, there is a bed, there is blood, there is... My life... The titans... My mom... But... Is that my past life??

More memories flash in my head, these ones are more content, there are two people who look like bigger stronger versions of me and Levi, and they're doing things to each other that lovers would do.


Now I know him. Now I understand, but I'm still so confused..

I have my past life mentality, and I know everything that I knew, but it's still....

He walks away and I chase after him.

"Levi wait!!" I grab his shoulder and turn him around and grab his face and press my lips on his.

It's almost as if he were prepared for it, because he kissed me back immediately.

I hold onto his waist and he leans back a little bit and grabs my arms and i kiss him again.

When we pull away he looks down at the space between us and says,"I will see you in a few years..."

Years!? What!?

He pushes away and walks off quickly.

I sigh and walk home, deciding not to tell them about What I just did.

-six years later- -they are now 19 and live in the same apartment building, not rooms, but they are right across from each other and Levi is short again-

"There has been a problem Mr.Jaeger," the landlord says,"you have been late on rent."

"Oh come on, you have to cut me some slack, you know I'm not good at this stuff." I say.

"And you haven't been for a year." he snaps.

I shake my head and close my door on his face.

I watch him storm away through my peephole, then see levis door open.

I jump and slam my body against the door to get a better look at him.

"Six years sure did do you well, didn't they?" I whisper.

He looks just like his past self.

He walks down the hallway towards the elevator.

I need an excuse to go there to!!

I run down the hall and go into the elevator with him.

"What floor?" I ask him.


"What floor??"

"God, one please."

Luckily, we are on the top floor. 26

I press the one button and lean on the railing.

"So, where are you headed?" I ask. I still don't understand why he won't allow us to be a couple yet.

"I'm going to visit my mother." he says.

"Oh Thats nice.. Thats also what I'm doing..." I say.

He nods his head then the elevator stops at 20 and an old lady walks in and pushes the 26 button, making Levi tighten his lips.

I chuckle then she waddles out and I press 1.

A few moments of silence pass.


Levi clears out his throat and licks his lips.

After a few seconds he looks up at me and I look down at him and he blankly asks,"Wanna make out?"

"Yeah." I nod my head.

We turn to each other and I grab his face and he grabs my ass and we press our lips against each other.

We push our tongues into each others mouths and I lift him up onto the railing and he sits on top of it with his legs wrapped around my waist.

We sit there for the longest time just slobbering on each others mouths.

The elevator dings and the doors open and a mother says,"Ricky don't look, I don't want you to be influenced!-"

"Its too late mother I've seen everything, lgbt flag for life, hash tag the faggot life." he says.

Levi throws his shoe at the keys and somehow manages to perfectly hit 26.

I laugh under my breath and take him off of the railing.

"Keep it in your pants until we get there." I say.

"Your room, or mine?" he asks.

"You probably want it to be clean, so lets go with your room."

He nods his head and licks his lips.

The elevator door opens and we run down the hallway together and stop infront of his door and he jingles the keys into the lock.

Finally, we are gonna fuck. I have been waiting six years for this!!

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