chapter 11

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Erens POV

An odd feeling comes into play and it closes my eyes. I see images flash slowly infront of me of me and Levi in our past life in his bed with him in the exact position. I open my eyes and everything looks as it did in our past life.

We are in the caotains bedroom.

There's the tall window, the velvet furniture, the soft curtains, everything.

I look up at Levi and only a few things have changed about him. He has a bit more muscle and looks more serious... He looks... Older....

What the hell is going on??

He leans down to me and kisses my neck, aising my body up then down.

I lay frozen and with my eyes wide.

He lays his elbows on the bed and begins to kiss my neck more intensely.

I shake out a heavy breath and it feels like... I have all of my first life back... My mom is dead... Mikasa is a soldier... I'm a soldier... Levi is the king and my older lover.... But I died...

I close my eyes with a big breathe and when I open them, I'm back in levis bedroom and he is kissing my neck. When he pulls away I stare a his face.

Free of injuries, smooth skin, young, innocent, he looks like any other person.

When his hand skins my side he begins to change again.

Why?? Why is it that each time he touches me this happens??

I grab his hand, lacing my fingers in his, and he kisses the other side of my neck the he hasn't covered with hickies.

I close my eyes and throw my temple on the pillow as Levi continues kissing me while preparing to go further.

I grit my teeth.

If these weird memory things happen when he lightly strokes my arm, what will happen when he goes inside of me?

I grip his hand tighter and when he throws his length into me a sharp gasp crawls through my teeth.

I close my eyes tightly and dverythjg flashes in my vision.

My training, the war, the other wars, my first war, my first kill, my mother, my friends, when I saved captain Levi, when I was sent to Erwins land, when captain Levi kissed me, everything that he did to me that night, the pool, what happened with Levi in the pool, everything is going slow but so fast at the same time.

I shoot my eyes open and nothing changed. I'm still in the apartment bedroom with Levi.

The only things Thats different is me. I feel rage, sadness, despair, chaotic, violent, all the terrible feelings that I had in my past life.

I grip levis hand again, tighter, almost squeezing his hand off.

He shoots up and tugs his hand away from me.

"It doesn't hurt that bad you little Shit." He mumbles.

I don't respond him.

I don't know how.

I lay there breathing heavily through my nose and staring at him.

He raises an eyebrow at me.

"What the hell Eren, you look pissed." Levi says.

I sit up and rub my head.

My temple is sore and my head hurts and my eyes can't take much moving.

I close my eyes and say,"Yeah, no, I'm fine, I just need to take a quick rest."

I lay back down and lay on my side and pull the blanket over me.

Levi lays down behind me and pulls the rest of the blanket over himself.

What the hell is happening??

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