chapter 14

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Eren POV

"What?? Eren!?" Levi shoots.

I feel my pupils dialate and my heart races and my pulse goes crazy.

"Anything you have to say wi-"

I spin around and spin the cop the opposite way and throw my hands over his head and pull the chain against his throat.

He yells and struggles to breath and the two other cops start loading their guns.

I tug the chain and the cops throat splits and the chains break and his vocal cords hang out of his throat and blood poors out.

I throw him aside then walk towards the other cops. They point their guns at me and I grab the tip of the guns and pull them out of their hands and turn their guns on them and shoot their eyes.

Their bodies drop and I throw the guns on their stomachs.

I glance behind me and Levi stands in shock with his gun in his hand and tears rolling down his face.


"Don't!!" he quivers.

"Levi, let me try to explain!" what evidence to I have to back me up??

"Come inside and sit on your knees." Levi says.

I follow what he says.

I drop to my knees and hold my arms up.

Levi stands infront of me with the gun pointed at me.

He sets the gun on the top of the couch and kneels infront of me and wraps his arms around me and I drop my arms.

"Please don't let this happen again..." he says.


"Its my fault. If you didn't remember your past life your be better off. You're emotions from your past life are being mixed with your ones now, and all of those emotions are negative, because we were always in war and you lost your family and friends and I forced you to kill others. You can't go back now... Once your eyes changed back to gold..."

"Changed back?? I had them before??"

"Yeah. In war, whenever you would start killing, one eye would be golden and the other would stay emerald green. When your eyes go golden it indicates that your psychotic."


"But why hasn't it happened to you??"

"Because... I wasn't as violent as you. I would kill, but not like how you would kill. There is a possibility that it could happen to me, but its not very likely."

Why?? Why me?? And why do I enjoy it when I do it, but hate myself for it afterwards??

I throw my arms around Levi and hold onto him tightly and cry into his shoulder.

He pets me and I feel a huge lump in my throat.

"So why do you still love me!?" I ask angrily, gripping onto him tighter.

"Because, no matter what happens to you or me, my love for you won't change, you're still the Eren I have always known, and the Eren I have always loved."

My breath hitches and I grit my teeth.

"But you can't love me!" I yell.

Levi hugs me tighter and sighs.

"Eren. Listen to me. I love you. I fucking love you. That won't change at all at any point." He growls angrily.

I weaken my body and cry.

If he said it was possible for him to... Be like me... How? I don't want to go through this alone... I want him with me... I want him. I want him to understand. I'll make him... I'll make him be with me..

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