smut chapter

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I decided to add an extra smut chapter for you lovelys so here it is.. Sorry for any spelling errors and shit.

Erens POV

Its been three days since levi and I... Well you know...
He moved me out of my room and into his, and right now I'm still transporting my clothes into my dresser that stands next to Levis. Since not all my clothes were in there, I wore Levis white button up as a pajama shirt and morning shirt. It was surprisnly big on me, the sleaves went down to the tip of my fingers and the flannel covered my ass enough for the shirt to almost look like a gown.

I shove one last pair of clothing into my dresser and then around to see levi sitting up in the bed.

"You do know I can just have the maid do this for you, right?" He asks.

"Yes I am aware of that," I nod,"but I prefer to do it myself."

I close the dresser and pull the covers of the bed down and lay next to levi.

He remains sitting up and stares off into space.

" gonna sleep?" I ask.

"I can't." He replies.

"Hm," I sit up, "why not?" I ask.

"Because... I simply just..." Midway through his sentence, he throws a leg over me and throws me down, hovering over me. He smirks down at me then finishes his sentence,"...Have other things on my mind."

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