prolouge | 1

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love - a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person
~ "We loved with a love that was more than love." - Edgar A. Poe
hurt - to be a source or cause of pain
~ "Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." - Bob Marley


"Mariah, is Alana really mine?" My dad asked out of the blue. Of I knew my mom had and affair with another man, but I couldn't tell my dad that because I didn't want them to get a divorce. I found out after one of my many basketball practice. I guess she forgot I was home, and accidentally turned her phone on speaker phone.

"Mariah, y-you ch-cheated? Oh my god. No. Why and with who?" Macy one of my mom's closest friends asked.

"I guess I got a little too drunk that night and I ended up sleeping with Mat." I just listened in slience upset with her response. How could she be so selfish. I soon started to panic because I only knew this would destroy their marriage.

This made me cuss lightly under my breath. "Great just fucking great." I sighed softly. A couple months later she found out she was pregnant. She acted as if the baby was my father's until the day of the baby's birth. It was a girl. Her name is Alana. Alana Thomas to be exact. She had my dad's last name. I find it funny that I even had a thought of her telling him. I always thought my mom was an honest woman, guess not, but I still love her.

"George how could you. Of course she is." She replied acting taken back, but deep down inside I knew she breaking down because she knew this could be the end of their marriage. Although I doubted she even cared.

"Well the doctor tells me otherwise." He inquired with a saddened look on his face. I had a feeling my life was slowly coming to and end. Slowly but surely.

"George, I am so sorry. B-but I cheated okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to I wasn't in my right s-state of mind. Please f-forgive me." She said stumbling over a couple words. I always thought more of my mom.

"I forgive you. Mariah. I love you a lot. But I think it's best if you leave and we get a divorce." I heard my dad say. As I was eavesdropping on their argument, I heard someone coming up the stairs, so I ran to my room and closed the door quietly. I heard small sniffles from the hall believing it was my mother.

Ten minutes later my mom knocked on my door. I guess she knew I was up because of the noise of the springs in my bed and the continuous changing of the television channel. "Melanie?"

"Yes come in." I say softly only because I didn't want her to hear the sadness in my voice.

"Melanie, I know you heard your father and I arguing, but I just want you to know everything is going to be okay. Okay. I'll see you in the morning." She spoke to me rather softly. She sounded like a mouse I could barely hear her. Before she left my room she tucked me into bed a turned the television off proceeding to my bed room door. "Goodnight baby."

"Night mommy." I grew tried of the silence soon I falling into a restless sleep.

Shortly I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I only knew it was my mother cooking because my dad barely cooks. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I walked downstairs into the kitchen and surprisingly it was dad cooking. I figured since he's cooking down here my mom was probably upstairs. I walked back upstairs walking past Alana's room to find it empty. I started to predict where she could be, but couldn't exactly put my finger on it. I continued walking down the hall to my parents room. I knocked loud but not to loud to where my father can hear. "Mom are you in there?" I knocked one more time before opening the door. The site brought me to tears. Half the room was empty and all my moms belongings were gone.

I didn't realize my father was standing not to far behind me to witness my break down. "She left earlier this morning, but she told me to tell you she promises to bring you to her new home every weekend." I knew my dad was hurting but he defiantly knows how to hide his emotions really well as for me I'm very sensitive, so that's a little harder for me to conceal my emotions.

"Dad aren't you a little upset?" I say wiping the smallest amount of tears off my face.

"Yes sweetie I am, but she only did it for the best. I guess." He said saying the last part softly. Walking over giving me a comforting hug.

I knew my dad was having a hard time. They met back in high school and they were high school sweethearts at Raymond High School. I thought it was the cutest thing and I hoped to find my soulmate in high school just like they found each other.


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Sorry for any mistakes.
I've decided to start this story over because it wasn't making much sense. So here we go, Welcome to Recognize.

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