chapter | 15

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Slim thick with yo cute ass


We finally made it to the the resort. Alyssa went to the front desks to get our room key. I was waiting in the lounge with the guys of course. We were looking out of the resorts big window. It had a amazing view of palm trees although it was past midnight. The scenery still looked so surreal. "It's beautiful, right?" Chres asked sounding profound, yet very tired.

"Yes, almost picture perfect..." I said in a lethargic voice.

"Hey, I got the keys let's go," Lyssa spoke to us as she looked at the room key. Apparently we're all sharing a room, but it has two separate rooms in it. The master suite I guess you could say.

We walked to the almost full elevator. It was about three people in the elevator and our bags. Honestly I wasn't expecting anyone to be up around this time, but obviously, I was provided wrong. I just couldn't wait to get out of that small space.

Once we got to our floor, I bursted out of the elevator. "You good Mel?" Ray asked concerned. I just nodded grabbing my bags. Alyssa took the lead in finding the suite. I was on Twitter tweeting stuff like: 'road trip... it's lit' ; '#urbreakgoals' ; 'our suite is sexy asf.' I was amazed at how pretty the suite was. It had the two rooms of course. Each room had two beds. In between the two rooms was a small living room with a large flat screen tv. The table was an antique, I loved it.

"It's beautiful," I know I sounded 13 years old but who cares, it felt like I was in a dream.

"Alright, Mel and I are sharing a room and y'all are sharing a room. Got it?" Lyssa said.

"Yea it's Gucci," Chres said looking at me like I just had spoken. I smiled a genuine smile before rolling my luggage in our room and started getting my pajamas out. I changed quickly, and put my hair in a pineapple soon getting under the covers and getting comfortable.

"I'll wake you up at 11 we're going somewhere."

"Okay," I responded yawning. I stretched then got extra comfy falling asleep within 15 seconds.

11 am

"WAKE UP, YOU NIGGERS," Lyssa yelled into the boys door. I laughed at her crazy self. Chresanto came to the door shirtless. That instantly made me stop laughing. I looked over to Alyssa, she was in a trace too, but that pissed me off. I tapped her shoulder trying to get her out of her daze.

"I'm going to breakfast," I inferred trying to get her out of her trace, and get Chres's attention.

"Wait... I want tag along. Give me 15," he said before closing the door and getting ready.

"Okay," I sat in the living room watching a random tv show. After about 15 minutes of waiting, Chres proceeded out with a nice blue palm tree tank top and some cargo shorts. He had on some sandals, which is so rare for guys. To be quite honest his toes weren't that gross. "Ready?"

"Yea, let's go," I replied. We soon left going to the elevator to get to the hotel kitchen/ dining area. It was almost full, but we still had space to sit, and eat. I grabbed a plate and got pancakes, ham, toast, oatmeal, and apple juice. Chres got eggs, waffles, yogurt, cereal, sausage, and orange juice. I still didn't understand how he carried all that stuff with no problem. I lead the way to the empty booth, setting my food down. "Need help?"

"Yea, can you grab my juice and cereal," he said sounding relieved that I asked him. I grabbed the bowl and cup and sat it across from me. I preceded to my seat getting ready to pray from my breakfast. "Soooo.." I simply looked up slightly giving him a signal to precede. "I was wonder.. Will since..." I soon realized he was being redundant with his words. He was obviously having a hard time putting them together. Then it happened. "Well since we have been talking for quite sometime time now, I came to conclusion that I really like you, and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" I could tell that Chres that this was hard for him because he probably thought I was going to repudiate him, but it was the exact opposite. His face was written with hope and fear all at the same time. I didn't know what to do.

Well I could say, I was in complete shock. Maybe because I wasn't expecting him to ask me out. A swift wave of sadness ran over his face. Then it came to me I hadn't answer his question. "Sorry, I just wasn't expecting that, but yes I'll be your girl." I said smiling. He smiled as well digging into his plate full of food.

4 hours later

After we finished eating we walked to the hotel room talking about random stuff. Ray and Lyssa must've left for breakfast as well because they weren't in the suite. Chres and I walked over to the couch cuddling up and started watching The Rap Game just some reruns of course. I love that show. My favorite young rapper is Miss Mulatto and Lil Niqo.

It was 15 minutes past 3 when Alyssa and Ray got back. Apparently Alyssa wasn't pleased with the sight in front of her, she had the biggest grimace on her face, but I just ignored it. Who knows it could have something to do with Ray. "You guys ready to go?" Alyssa asked.

"No, we have to get ready first, but what's up?" I asked getting out of Chres arms walking with her to our room to change.

"Oh nothing. I just remembered something Ray told me."

"Okay... You can talk to me whenever you need me, y'know?"

"Yea I know. Let's go before we're late," Alyssa said trying to avoid the conversation. We were just going to the beach to chill. How could we possibly be late. I know for a fact it was way more then 'just Ray telling her something'. Or I maybe just taking things out of portion, but I don't care as long as I am getting all the information.

Beach 4:32pm

We had finally arrived to the beach after getting dressed into our swim suits. I had brung a hot pink towel along with my black Ray Benz sunglasses. Chresanto was on my side with blue swim trunks and some white Gucci sunglasses. I felt completed with him and that feeling is amazing.


They were at a bar. Well... Let me rephrase that. They were at a teen bar, and they were drinking Sprites'. I could tell they were enjoying each others company, but do I give two flying fucks. No I don't. When Mel went to the restroom for a few minutes. I went to go speak with my boo Chresanto. He was fascinated at my fantastic memory of him being bullied in 5th grade, but that's a story for later.

He seemed bored by my continuous talking. I could definitely say I was talking a mile a minute, well because I didn't have much time before Mel would come out of the restroom. Plus it was all part of the plan. Step 1: Be Loquacious He soon turned his head to check to see if Mel was coming. That's when I slipped the medicine into his drink. I stirred it real fast and dropped the straw. This powder would make him feel kind of sick, but he's really not sick. Get it? I planned to use this to get him back to his suite. I needed to get him alone. To apologize and get him back in my arms.


Chres's ex is crazy ain't she?

Do you guys think you know who it is?

Vote and comment for more. Only a few more chapters to go before I start my Bryson Tiller book. I'm so excited. 😋

Hope you enjoyed vote, like and comment. Once again.

Guess the Song

Oh yea, My next chapter might be private because it's rated r, so make sure you're following me :).

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