chapter | 17

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she cain't love you like I do


The walk took for ever. I tried to walk as fast as I could, but that only resulted in a ache in my knees. I continued to walk although they were hurting. Hopefully when I find my phone the cab service will be open.

I finally arrived to the bar that Chres and I was sitting at. I was relieved that I wasn't to far from my phone, but still anxious to know if it was still there anyway. "Um excuse me, did you see a phone sitting one the counter?"

"Yes," the guy said walking towards me with something in his hand. I quickly looked at his and and back to his face. I was in a trace. This guy seemed so familiar, but I couldn't tour my finger on it. "Melanie is that you?" The mysterious waiter asked.

"Yes, how do you know my name?" I asked in an uneasy voice.

"You don't remember. It's me Shawn," I was shocked. How could I not remember Shawn, my first love. He looked so much different. He cut off his hair. He looked so mature and sexy. I just didn't know what to say. "Lost for words. You like my hair. I cut it off after I left."

"Where'd you go?"

"My mom got a job offering down here in Miami, and she also wanted to get away from my abusive dad. She took every piece of technology we had and sold it to the nearest pond shop and got some money. I didn't know she sold my things until he next morning, I woke up next to a new iPhone... She told me that I needed to pack and be ready to get out of the house. I packed all my things and she packed hers and we were out. I asked her if I could say goodby to you before we left, but she said we didn't have time, so that answers where I was why I left and yea."

"Wow," was all I said. My eyes were definitely bug eyed right now. I was just in so much shock. I really wanted to hug him to see if he still had that comforting feel. "Umm, can I hug you?" He didn't respond he just walked out of the small shack to where I was standing and gave me a comforting hug. It was...comforting. It felt a little to comforting.

"Omg I miss you a lot..." I finally let out complete statement instead of a question. He didn't hesitate to give me a small kiss on the cheek. It made me blush, but I had to let him know I'm with someone. "No more, I have a boyfriend." I said putting my hand up to stop him from going to far the kisses.

"Oh. That's... Cool... What's his name?" To me he seemed upset and confused, but that didn't matter to me because I knew I had to move on sometime soon. Plus I don't even live in this state, so it would be a waste dating anyway.

"Chresanto, he reminds me of you a lot. Sweet, loyal, and a gentlemen," I stated thinking about is character. "Well I got to get going my boo's sick and I need to take care of him."

"Okay, see ya l— wait can I have your number?" I exchanged phones with him, so we coil keep in contact. "See ya later!" I waved my hand at him before walking off.

It was a very strange atmosphere when I got back. Chres wasn't sick anymore and that was odd because I didn't give him any medicine. When I kissed his face it tasted like honey and I was very confused. I asked him why his face tasted like honey, but he ignored me so I stopped asking him. His room was a hot mess. I mean clothes, socks, draws and shoes every where. I questioned that to, but only got ignored. I was fed up now, but I had to be calm about it.
"Are you alright, love? You seem.... anxious."

"Umm, it's nothing come lay with me." Those were his first words to me since the moment I walked into his bedroom door. Before lying down I got the remote to turn on Netflix. We— nevermind I settled on Beyond the Lights while Chres was on his phone. He was starting to act all distant, and we've only been dating for 2 days.

The fact he told me to lay with him, yet he's ignoring my presents and isn't cuddling with made me upset, so I just left his room.

I went to the kitchen to grab a drink and a bag of chips and headed to my room. I turned on Beyond the Lights in there and relaxed. I loved this movie, so much just because it was sooo cute. At around 7 Lyssa came in the room looking drained as ever. "Hey girl," I spoke to only get ignored by her as well. What the fuck is it ignore Mel day today because I'm fucking fed up. "I said hey damn."

"What the hell, do you want?" She raised her voice at me. I raised my eyebrow at her. I was contemplating on rather I should beat her ass , slap her , or just yell back.

"Well, bitch I just wanted to say hey, but it's pretty obvious you got an attitude. I'll just leave ya ugly ass alone. What is it you on your period, or are you just not getting enough dick from Ray?" I smirked.

"Bitch I don't need dick from Ray if I can get it from your man," she spat back watching my smirk fall and hers appear.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

"I said I can get dick from your nigga. I don't need Ray," that was it. I charged towards her and slapped the dog shit out of her. She just stood there laughing. How could she say that. Did Chres really fuck her of is she playin? I can't believe this. We just started dating a few days ago. If he had something with Alyssa, he shouldn't have lead me on.

And for Alyssa, she was suppose to be my best friend. Maybe she was just using me to rail in Chresanto. Wow my best friend for 18 years. Wow.

I guess Chres heard all the commotion and sprinted over to our room. "What's going on?"

"I don't. Why don't you ask your new girl? The one you fucked not to long ago. How could you cheat on me, Chres? And to think we had somethin' special." I walked over to him, and slapped him as well. I pushed him out the door way and began to walk out.

"Mel it's not what you think.." He confessed.

"Chres it is what I think. You slept with her and that's the end of the story." I was trying so hard not to let the tears fall, and I was doing well so far. Until I walked out the door, the waterworks were falling like crazy. It was like a endless waterfall. I wanted that relationship to be everlasting and that backfired like hell. Good friends for awhile to dating. How could that possibly go wrong?

As I walked down the hall, I bumped into Ray. "What's wrong?" Ray asking with concern written all over his eyes.

"I just want you to know that your so called "girlfriend" is cheating on you with Chres. You'll get the details from them. I'm leaving tonight, but thanks for the trip." I kissed his cheek and continued walking down the hall. That night I left and never looked back. I lost a friend and a boyfriend.

Bruh wtf happened.... I hope you enjoyed.
Next chapter is the last chapter 😅.

Lyrics : Keyshia Cole - Didn't I Tell You
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