chapter | 11

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They're playing basketball
We love that basketball

Thursday, October 21st

Hailey Adams
Amanda Cook
Cassie Davis

I continued down the list until I saw my name. I smiled widely, so happy about making it. I just didn't know what to do. I wanted to tell Chres, so bad but he took today off for his grandpa's funeral. I sighed in frustration at the the fact that I couldn't talk to him. I really missed him a lot. After looking I started my way to library. I had to print my paper for Nutrition. I still couldn't get over the fact the paper had to be three pages long over good food choices. Like what the hell. After printing my paper I went out to the student center since I had a good 5 minutes to spare. I roamed around the student center looking for someone to talk to since I'm so anti. "Hey Mel.. Mel. Over here." I turned looking for the voice. I knew I looked silly spinning in circles trying to find who was calling my name but I don't care.

"Oh hey, Amanda what's up?" I said curious of what she needed.

"Nothing, but practice. Get this. We're on Varsity most likely the starters too. Varsity is about to kill, but all we need is more fans," she said adding that part quietly "the boys always steal our fans."

"I swear they do." I agreed laughing lightly to add to the effect. "But I'll catch you later."

"See ya Mel." Something felt off about today I just didn't know what it was yet. I kinda figured it had something to do with Chres not attending school to day, which kind of made my day boring. Then it came to me who am I gonna sit with at lunch. Great.


Soon as the bell rang I walked to my first period class alone. I didn't like not having Chres walk me to class. It just didn't feel right. I think I'm starting to get real attached to him and it's only been 2 or 3 months. Well he is my best friend and sooner or later he will be more than that. Well I'm hoping. They do say you have to get to know someone before taking it another step. Something I didn't do with Jason. See Jason and I did have a strong bond at first, but he had to ruin it. It wasn't just the fact he was a lying fraud cheater, but more than that. I guess you can say I cared for him wayyyyy to much and that back fired like hell.


"What's the answer to problem number 34?" Mrs. Harding my Chemistry teacher said as she shook the cup of sticks around. Honestly I didn't know the answer to that question and I was praying that it wasn't my name she was about to draw. I hate when she does this bullshit. "Claire." Thank God I was going to mentally break down if she called my name to answer that problem. We had exactly five more questions to go over and I knew all of those so I'm good. "Mel. Can you answer number 35 for me?"

"Yes. The answer is .0677 moles of oxygen."

"Correct." We completed the worksheet review in less then 10 minutes allowing us to study a little before our mini quiz. It's only 5 questions, I'm not that stressed as long as I take these 5 minutes seriously. "Alright times up. Clear your desk except a writing utensil and an eraser.


"45... 46, 47... 48... 49, 50. You have 35 seconds to get to 60." Coach said as she checked the time. 35 seconds is fairly quick if you don't think about it. When doing this drill I think of it as a game situation and I need the lay up or jump shot. I begin to push myself to a higher level then usual, but during this drill I always reach the same high. Something I can't reach at any other place. This is most likely my last year playing basketball, so I might as well push myself to the absolute fullest.

"Come on ladies we got this." I yelled out encouraging my teammates. It was a struggle practicing with JV because they tend to miss a lot of lay ups and I mean a lot. But I can't really say anything because we all as a team missed a lot of lay ups so I wouldn't be surprised if coach made us run.

"75." BINGGGG "Time ladies jog it in. Do I see walking?" Everyone started to jog to coach like their life depended on it. Coach plays no games, you run for not following directions, so get it done right away. "Should I make you guys run? Starting with Mel."

"Yes and no. Yes because we missed so many lay ups, but no because it's the first day of practice we're not as conditioned yet."

"Alright. Full court lay ups. Grab a ball." Everyone jogged to the ball racket and got a ball and want to other ends of the courts to even out the lines somewhat. "Ready go. One on each side. We got to go over some plays."

Teaser? Sorry for late updates.
Sorry for any mistakes.
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Lyrics: Basketball - Bow Wow

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