Chapter 4

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Penny's pov

I woke up to the sound of my dad banging on my bedroom door.  When I opened it he stormed in.

"I'm going out. I won't be back till tomorrow night and I expect this place to be spotless" he said and walked out. I smiled to myself knowing I get a little bit of freedom and got ready for school.

At school

When I got to school Melanie was giving me a sad look.

"What's up?" I asked her

"He beated you again I can see the bruise near your eye" she said. Before I could answer her the bell went and we walked to class talking about other stuff.

After school.

It is now 9pm and I was walking home from Melanie's.  I decided to go through the alley way because it's quicker now your probably thinking Penny why would you go through there when it's dark? The answer to that is if I didn't it would take ages to get home.

When I got to the alley I heard a scream. I saw someone getting attacked by two boys one was blond and the other had brown hair.

"Louis someone's here" the blond one said. When they saw me I started to run suddenly on was in front of me, i fell down and i noticed that his eyes were red.

"P...Please d...don't hurt me" I said.

"I'm afraid I have to I have to eat" the one called Louis said and he bit into my neck I screamed in pain that everything went black

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