Chapter 2

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I woke up at 6am to make sure I was out of the house before dad gets up. Today is the first day of the school term and I'm looking forward to it because I get to see my best friend Melanie she's the only one who's knows about what goes on in my life.

Once I got up I put on my school uniform which consisted of a black skirt, white polo shirt, a school jumper, black knee high socks and black shoes. Then I put my long brown hair into two plaits with blue bows, got my bag with all my stuff in including my favourite Twilight book and left.

At school

When I got to school Melanie was already at my Locker.

"Hey Mel". I said and we hugged.

"Hi you excited for this term?" She asked me. I think we are the only two who actually enjoy school.

"Yeah I am" I told her then the bell rang and we made our way to maths.

End of school day.

When the school day ended me and Melanie went to the library I was reading Twilight and she was doing some homework that she got.

"Don't you read anything else? You've read that book series about 100 times" she said.

"I love them team Edward all the way" I told her.

"No team Jacob" she said and we laughed then we went home.

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