Chapter 26

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Louis' pov

Why is this happening? They better not hurt her. Josh is explaining to Zayn, Liam and Niall what he told me and Harry but how does he know all this.

"Josh not to be rude but how do you know this?" I asked him. "I would read your mind but someone of something is blocking me"

"I'm going to be honest your dad came to me and offered me immortality. I said yes at first but then I changed my mind months ago" he told us. How could he agree to that being immortal isn't even that good. Then we made our way to my dad's castle.

Penny's pov

When I woke up I was in a dungeon and my necklace wad missing.

"She took it so we couldn't get out she took mine too" a voice said I looked round and a girl around my age with black hair was sat there.

"Your a witch too?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Yeah my mum's side of the family were witches" she told me "I'm Luna by the way"

"I'm penny" I said and we continued to talk.

Harry's pov

If Penny gets Hurts I don't know what I'll do I can't lose her.

"Will find her Harry I promise" Louis said he must of read my mind. When we got to get castle we hid behind some bushes to make a plan.

"So Niall, Josh and Zayn will go and find Penny because they will expect Harry and Louis to look for her and me, Harry and Lou will distract the guards and will also look for her." Liam said and we all nodded in agreement.

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