Chapter 11

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Louis' pov

"I'm going to kill him!" Harry yelled and punched a wall. He was furious at what Jason did luckily Penny was upstairs asleep so she didn't have to see him angry.

"Harry calm down" Liam said and used his power to calm him.  Then Harry froze he was having a vision.

Harry's pov

Jason was at the werewolf house their planning on taking Penny. Then I saw Penny she was weak and she could hardly move also I saw a shadow but it wasn't a werewolf .
End of vision

"Harry what is it?" Niall asked me the boys looked scared.

"The werewolves are going to kidnap Penny" I told them.

"We have to get her out of here" Zayn said.

"I can take her to the house in the woods that's the other side of London" Louis suggested and we agreed. We just have to tell Penny now.

Penny's pov

To say I was scared was an understament I was terrified when Harry said I had to go to the other side of London I refused at first I don't want them to get hurt but I had to agreed at in the end.

Until a few days ago I was a normal teenage girl now I'm living with vampires and running from werewolves.

Me and Louis packed our stuff and got in the car then started to drive to the other side of London.

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