Ch. 5

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The awkwardness was all around us. The air was contaminated with all of it and I didn't like it. I too was being affected, and that wasn't okay with me at all.

"Can we do something before I eff something up?" I said, looking around the room, my eyes landing on a vase.

I smirked, looking back at Jason.

It's day five at camp Tahoe, and it just keeps getting worse.

I was sitting in a chair amongst other chairs, that have all been formed in a circle. The group leaders said that it's kind of like an AA meeting, only we aren't alcoholics.

We are supposed to be sharing our backstories, like how we ended up here and things like that.

"Well, since you spoke first, you can begin by telling us your name." Jason said, smirking at me.

"Hi, my name is Shalissa." I said, raising my voice three octaves.

"Bullcrap. I call bullcrap on that one." Alec said, raising his hand.

"Now, Now, Aspyn. You need to take this seriously." Jason said, smiling at me.

A pearly white, toothpaste commercial smile. But I loved it.

"Whatever. My name is Aspyn Rae Michaelson, I'm forty-four years old, and I'm aan alcoholic." I said, hearing a few giggles.

"Whatever next person." Jason said, rolling his eyes at me.

I smiled as someone else began speaking, following after me in the direction of annoyance.

"Hi, I'm Shelly Hooker Snow, and I killed a man once." Some girl said, getting a glare from Jason and a ten from me.

I held up a piece of paper with the score ten on it and everyone laughed.

"Where did those come from?" Jason asked, pointing to my scoring card.

"Um obviously I just cut down a tree, sanded down the blocks of wood, and made this awesome piece of paper. Oh don't even get me started on picking ink berries." I said, holding my hand up to my forehead.

He just glared for a second before pointing to the door.

"Can I talk to you outside please?" He asked, putting on a fake smile.

"Oh what now" I muttered, walking past him and out the door.

As soon as the door was shut, he had me pinned up against the wall beside it. I smiled at him, letting it quickly turn into a smirk.

"Can I kiss you now?" He asked, his lips moving next to my ears sending shivers down my spine.

I nodded my head, waiting for him to kiss me.

He looked at me, trying to see if I was being serious, and in that moment...

Damien just had to bust out of the door beside us and ruin the moment.

Jason didn't even move his hands, they stayed on each side of my face.

"Get away from her!" Damien growled, glaring at Jason.

I just watched in amusement as Jason backed away, walking back in the room while Damien watched.. ready to pounce on him.

"Do you really think that your brother would want you with a jerk like that?" He asked me, taking a step closer.

"I don't know what he would want now do I? Because any and every guy I liked he turned away. He made sure I didn't have anyone." I said, my voice raising with his.

"You are seriously deluded if you think he didn't love you. He was just trying to protect you!" He said, practically yelling now.

"Yeah, along with all of his little gang, following him around like puppies." I yelled.

"It's called loyalty, you should try it sometime." He said, pushing my anger over the edge.

To this point I was boiling, but now I've overflowed.

I slapped him, as hard as I could and it felt great.

"Don't you ever. Ever. Say I wasn't loyal to my brother." I said calmly, turning to walk away.

He grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him.

I was feeling so much anger, and hatred right now.

" didn't mean it like that. I let it slip, I'm sorry." He whispered, resting his forehead on mine.

I didn't try to stop him, I didn't even move.

I just stood there and let him kiss me, but the second our lips met, I kissed back.

All the emotions I have been feeling over the last few weeks combined into one overpowering one, love. I didn't care if it was a friend love, at the moment I just knew love.

So I kissed him back.

"Ow-Ow." Alec yelled, getting my attention, not as much of Damien's.

I pulled away from an aggravated Damien to face a smirking Alec. 

"Back off Alec." I said, glaring at him.

"Just returning the favor." He said, referring to all the times I interrupted him.

I just glared, watching him walk away. I looked back at Damien, but he was already looking at me. His eyes poured into mine with so much unsaid emotion that it scared me. Not like, legit fear, but a type of worry.

"What?" I asked, really hoping that this guy wasn't about to tell me how much of a mistake we just made, or that he's in love with me.

I wouldn't be able to handle either of those answers.

"Nothing, I've just wanted to do that for a while." He said, smiling at me.

I don't know what that means... What do I do? What do I say?

"Oh." Is all I said, bringing back the awkwardness from earlier.

He just smiled wider, realizing that I didn't know what to say. I don't know why that would make him happy.

"Why are you smiling so much?" I questioned.

"Because you're beautiful. Even when you're confused." He said, making me blush.

I was sure my cheeks were crimson, making me want to hide my face. He must have known since I looked down. He wouldn't let me though, he just placed his hand under my chin, and lifted my head up to face him.

"No, it's just.. I kind of had something going with Jason." I said, biting my lip, and hoping he wouldn't get mad.

"Nah, I get it. You need to sort out your feelings." He said, taking a step back from me.

"Yeah. Thanks for being so cool." I said, hugging him.

It wasn't a short hug, but it didn't last long either. We just... hugged.

I mean usually he hugs me tight for like five minutes, or just gives me a side hug. I think the kiss awkward-ed things up.

"Goodnight Ace." He said, kissing my cheek.

I smiled back, mumbling a goodnight before heading back to my cabin.

Tonight is gonna be another sleepless night...

I can already tell.




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Mucho amor,


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