Ch. 26 (Part 2)

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THE FIRST PART OF THIS CHAPTER IS IN ALEC'S P.O.V.                          

carry on.                                                                              


Alec's P.O.V.

It's not fair. 

All I can imagine is her, all I can think of is her. 

"Dude, don't tell me some chick got you whipped."

 I looked up, making eye contact with my cousin Lance. 

"Save it," I said, walking past him. 

There were still tears on my face. I bet I look like a damn wimp. 

"Whoa, what the hell happened to you, bro?" Lance asked, glancing at me worriedly. 

"I miss her, I can't stop thinking about her. I bet I sound like a damn wimp, but dude I miss her. Tell me how to stop," I pleaded. 

Oh shit, dude get a hold of yourself. Everyone in this town is gonna think you've gone all soft for a girl you barely know. 

"First, we don't do this man. We don't go out, meet someone, and fall in love. We go out, mess around, and leave. We have to get you drunk. Maybe we can find someone to help you get over her."

I looked at him stupidly.

"What if I don't want to get over her?" I asked. 

"You have to. You can't leave Grams and Gramps. They'll go crazy if you leave," He said, trying to plead with me.

"I doubt that. They hate me. They sent me off to a camp for shits sake. I mean, they love you, they just don't love me," I said, standing up. 

"Where are you going?" He asked.


I left, heading to the home I've lived in for a while. I mean, I haven't been back home in a while, but I did live here. I don't want to live here anymore, though. I want to go back to school, get my diploma.

I walked around the corner, my grandparent's house coming into view. I walked faster, hoping my sister is home by now. I haven't seen her in about two years. She was ten then, now she'll be twelve. She needs family, she can't just grow up on her own, she'll become a tramp or something. 

"Grams? Gramps?" I asked, walking through the unlocked door. 


My grams walked around the corner, holding a pot. 

"Hey Grams," I said, greeting my grandmother. 

"I thought you were getting home at the end of the summer, no one told us that you would be home early," She said, a small smile on her face. 

"Well, I am. Not that you care, but I'm gonna be moving to the states," I said, walking past her to my room. 

"I don't know where you got that idea, but I won't allow it."

"Like hell, You can't stop me, I'm no minor," I argued, not turning around. 

"Your sister is."

I stopped, looking over my shoulder at her.

"She's in boarding school, I know she'll be fine there," I said, turning back around and walking to my room. 

"I'll send her to that camp," She threatened, but I just smirked. 

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