Ch. 28

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I'm too tired for this. 

I don't know how long I have to get to class, but I think I'm going to be tardy. 

"You are so going to be tardy," Mali said, sliding onto the stool next to me. 

"Yeah. I can already tell, this isn't going to be a good year for me," I said. 

She laughed, nudging my shoulder. 

I finished my cereal, rinsing my bowl and putting it in the dishwasher. I walked past Mali, grabbing my book bag. 

All of my teachers were relatively cool. This school year would be easy because I'm a senior. All I have to do is show up to school, take the tests, and graduate. 

My GPA is pretty good, resting at 3.1, so I think I can get a scholarship a good college. 

"Bye, Mali. I have to go or I really will be tardy," I said, waving by to her and grabbing the keys to the bike.

"You know you already are," She said. 

"Yeah, I know."

 I ran down the hallway, taking the elevator straight down to the lobby. I ran through the parking garage, hopping onto Jay's bike.

"Come on, Baby. Don't fail me now," I whispered, putting on the stupid helmet Mali bought me. 

I cranked the bike up, revving the engine. I raced through the curves and hills, arriving at the school in record timing. 

"Shit, I'm gonna be late," I mumbled, putting the keys on the keychain around my neck. 

I ran through the doors of the school, seeing a few nervous stares. 

The tardy bell hasn't rang yet.

I stopped, walking slowly to my locker. Between waking up early this morning and running around, I'm tired. 

"Whoa, your hair," Katerina said, leaning against the locker next to mine. 

I looked in the small mirror in my locker, realizing she was right. 

I ran a brush through it, because yes, I do bring a brush to school. 

"It's been that kind of morning," I mumbled, looking around the hallway. 

A few people directed their stares at me, but the rest were on a group of guys nearby. This particular group of guys liked to think of themselves as the "it" boys of our school. The particular "it" girls of school were on the other side of the hallway. 

They stood like this every day, they think it's cute or something. The leader of the girls was Nicole. Nicole was dating the leader of the boys, Nathan. 

It's like their parents had this planned from before their birth. It's actually really creepy to those of us who recognize them as human. 

"They really freak me out," Blake said, standing next to Kat and I. 

"Me too, they're a bunch of damn freaks," I said, slamming my locker shut. 

"Someone is snippy this morning," Blake said, looking at the group of freaks.

I laughed, walking past the group of "it" girls. 

"Hi Aspyn, I'm sorry about your brother," Nicole said, standing in front of me. 

"Thanks Nicole, I'm sorry about your brain cells," I said, pushing past her. 

I heard her gasp, making me and Blake laugh. Katerina stayed behind, telling Nicole off about saying something to me. I'm pretty sure the whole hallway heard. 

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