Ch. 26 (Part 1)

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I pulled my eyes open reluctantly, looking around the dimly lit room. I spotted the small wooden bedside table, immediately grabbing my new phone off of it. 

I looked over at the pile of blankets on the floor, seeing that Blake was still asleep. 

We had a sleepover last night, it's been a week since I got home, and we got our class schedules yesterday. Blake and I have every class together while Katerina and I have English, Spanish, and History together. 

"Blake, wakey-wakey," I said.

"No, leave her be. She has developed a love for sleep, and a hate for those who wake her." 

I looked over at Katerina, who was already glaring at me. 

"Oh, okay," I whispered, climbing out of bed and walking towards the bathroom in the hallway.

Mali gave me her guest room and showed me how to work her washer, dryer, dishwasher, and shower. 

"Goodmorning," Mali greeted, scaring me as I left the bathroom.

"Morning, Baby Mama."

I gave Mali the nickname Baby Mama the very second day I was living with her. She doesn't like it that much, but I think it fits her perfectly. 

"I give up. Just don't call me that in public. I may be twenty, but I still look like I'm eighteen." She mumbled, going back to bed. 

I laughed at her, watching her slam the door behind her. 

I walked back into my new room, seeing that Katerina had apparently woken up Blake. Blake was sitting on top of Katerina and screaming at her. 

"Let me sleep!" Blake shouted, slapping Katerina's head. 

"B, Kat, stop!" I yelled, standing in the doorway in utter disbelief. 

They both stopped and glared at me, and Blake went back to sleep with an angry look on her face. 

"She's a damn psychopath," I whispered, watching Kat stare in horror as Blake glared at us. 

I laughed a little, watching her glare turn into a smile. 

I heard my phone buzz on my bedside table and picked it up. There was an unfamiliar number on the screen, and I answered it. 



I froze. 

That accent, that voice. 




"How'd you get my number?"

"Did you know that Damien and I became friends?"

"No, I did not know that."

"Oh, well surprise. How are you doing? Are your parents being terrible?" 

I thought for a second, not knowing if I should rant to him or tell him everything is fine. 

I looked over, seeing Blake and Katerina's stares both directed to me

"Well, I moved out. My brother's girlfriend is pregnant and I moved in with her. She has her own apartment." I explained. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. But congrats on the baby. I bet he'll look like your brother." 

"How do you know it will be a boy that looks like Jay, it could be a girl that looks like Mali," I said, challenging him. 

"Good point." He said, sounding defeated. 

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