Ch. 18

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"Hi." I said, goosebumps forming on my skin. 

The tension was so thick someone could cut it with a knife. His features softened for a second, as if remembering that we're friends, but turned into stone quickly after. 

"What the hell?" Jason mumbled, looking between Alec and I. 

Jason took a step into the cabin, shutting the door behind him. He took off the brown jacket he was wearing and walked straight past me. Alec and I followed him with our eyes. He threw his jacket in his room, and quickly turned around to face Alec and I. 

"Alec you will be moving out of the cabin by Tuesday." Jason said, pointing to him with a steady glare. 

"I think not." Alec replied, his accent wavering a bit. 

"I'm sorry, what?" Jason said. 

I heard Alec mumble a few curse words. I even heard him say 'bloody hell' a few times. I thought it was just like a cliché thing for people to say that. 

"Fine." He said, walking straight towards his bed. 

I saw him throw a few things in a bag that he had under his bed. He winked at me, walking towards the door. 

"Wait, where will you go?" I asked, turning to Alec. 

I grabbed his arm, turning him around to face me. He lowered his lips to my ear, letting them graze my ear lightly. 

"I'll be next door, Darling." He whispered, sending an involuntary shiver down my spine. 

I nodded my head, my throat being impossibly dry at his proximity. 

He kissed my cheek, flashing a smile as he turned and left. Now I'm left with Jason. 

"I'm hungry, I should go get some food." I said blankly, turning to leave.

 "It's too late for lunch. If you want food you'll have to wait until dinner." He said, walking towards his room. 

"Shit." I mumbled, walking towards my bed. 

"Maybe if you weren't so distracted, you could've made it to lunch on time." Jason mumbled. I don't know if he was trying to make me mad or if I wasn't even supposed to hear it. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, my anger boiling up. 

"It means that maybe if you weren't being such a hoe you would've made it to lunch on time." He said, regret flashing through his eyes. 

By the time he realized what he said I was next to him. 

"Don't you ever, ever, call me a hoe. You're lucky I don't beat the shit out of you for thinking it. You have no right to call me a hoe. I have never done anything with you, and if I was a hoe, I would." I said, anger coursing through my veins. 

"Aspyn, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that, it just came out." He said, trying to apologize. He was doing a shitty job though. 

"Save it." I spat, walking out of the cabin. 

I didn't look back, my 'best friend' just called me a hoe, and not in the best friend kind of way. My head was beginning to throb, and my thoughts were jumbled, my anger was at its peak. I needed to clear my head. 

Usually when I need to clear my head I swim, but seeing as how I'm not wearing a swim suit, I guess I have to do the second best thing, running. 

My feet felt like fire, burning the ground as I ran. Dashing through trees, my already messy bun falling even more. My lungs begged for me to stop, but I pushed further, until I felt the comfortable embrace of the sand beneath my feet. I seemed weightless as I landed on the sand, my feet aching from impact. I looked back at the familiar cave walls, and the rock I just jumped off of.  

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