Ch. 9

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A fudging ham sandwich. 

That is what we are eating for lunch. 

"I'm not eating that." I said, pointing at the limp sandwich on my plate. 

Jason laughed, and Alec scrunched up his nose. I laughed, and looked up at Damien. 

"Hey." I said, calling him over. 

He smiled, and kissed my cheek. I wasn't sure what to do so I just looked down at my tray and shoved the sandwich in my mouth. Alec and Jason started laughing and Damien looked confused. He sat next to Alec, on the other side of the table. 

I swallowed the dry sandwich and gulped down half a bottle of water. I almost cried when Damien fell off of the bench because he was laughing at some poor kid who dropped their food. 

I legit almost cried. 

"What's so funny?" Damien asked, giving me a playful glare. 

"You fell on your ass." I said, laughing harder after saying it out loud. 

He scrambled to his feet, lunging forward and knocking me off of the bench  and onto the cold floor. 

"What the heck? Damien!" I yelled, pushing him off of me. 

He laughed for a second before I jumped on top of him. He stopped laughing and started wheezing, acting like I was just absolutely the heaviest thing on earth. 

I rolled off of him, laughing while he caught his breath. He smiled, smacking my shoulder when he got up. 

"Come on." He said, holding his hand down for me. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking around at the filling cafeteria. 

He just smiled, pulling me up off the ground so that we were level.. almost anyway.

"You'll see." He smiled, pulling me away. 

I laughed, running along side him towards the edge of the woods. He dashed through the trees, pulling me with him. We weaved through the trees for five minutes before we came to a stop on top of some rocks. They parted down the middle, revealing a ravine. 

It was actually really beautiful. The water from Lake Tahoe edged its way into the ravine. 

"Follow me." He said, pulling his hand from mine as he took a step forward. He jumped off of the rocks, landing in the sand below the rocks.

He took off his shoes and walked through the shallow part of the ravine, walking all the way up under the rocks. I sat there astonished, not realizing that the rocks were the roof to a cave. 

"Wait for me!" I yelled, jumping down and kicking off my sandals. 

I stepped into the ravine, the cool water shocking my toes. I shivered a bit, looking over at the cave entrance. My eyes following the ravine all the way up to Damien, who was smiling wildly. I smiled back, kicking some water at him. He smirked madly, lunging for me. 

In the end it resulted in his weight crushing me while my back was on the sand. The sand was invading my tangled hair, making my scalp itch. I laughed, watching him smile down at me. 

"What?" He asked, his hazel eyes gazing back into my own.

He lowered his lips towards mine, my heart beating rapidly. 

I turned my head last second, his lips meeting my cheek instead of my own. My eyes found their way back to his, lifting the frown that had formed. 

"Not now. This moment is so beautiful, it's the kind of moment you want to hang onto. In the future, when you make me angry, I don't want this place associated with that anger, and don't even say you won't because we both know how angry you can make me." I said, leaning up. He found his way onto the sand beside me, smiling. 

"That's smart." He said, smirking at the ground.  

We sat in contentment for a few seconds, just listening to the cracking leaves and birds chirping in the distance. We were both laying back on the sand looking at the roof of leaves the trees created. We both jumped, hearing our names shouted in the distance. 

"Yeah?" I called back, recognizing Alec's voice. 

"Some kid's asking for y'all." He called, his voice echoing off of the cave walls as he got closer. 

"We're coming!" I yelled back, hopping up and running through the ravine. 

I grabbed my sandals, running through the trees barefoot. It wasn't long before Damien caught up to me and we ran side by side. 

I felt the leaves cling to my wet skin, eventually letting go as my feet moved rapidly. I did track in school so I could run really fast, and I was in pretty good shape. 

We ran a little slower, seeing the sun peeking through the treeline. I stepped on something sharp, sending a sharp pain up my leg. I just kept running, biting my lip. 

We broke through the treeline and went straight into our cabin, not even really worrying about who was asking for us. I looked down at my foot, noticing the red stained trail I left from the front door to where I was standing now. 

"Shoot Aspyn, what happened to your foot?" Damien asked, right as Alec walked through the door. 

"Yo, what happened?" Alec asked, following the blood trail to me. 

I lifted my foot off of the floor, looking at the blood seeping from the bottom of it. There was a slice in my foot about the size of a quarter, and it was bleeding pretty bad. 

"I stepped on something, go get a rag and meet me in the bathroom." I said, pointing at Damien and then limping to the bathroom. 

The small cut didn't really hurt unless I tried to walk on it. Every time I took a step the skin around it would stick to anything dry, like the floor. 

"Here." Alec said, lifting me up and carrying me like a baby. 

"Alec you didn't have to carry me." I said as he set me on the bathroom counter. 

"Eh, now I can say I've saved someones life." He said, walking out the way he came. 

"You didn't save my life though!" I yelled after him, earning a grunt before I heard the cabin door shut.



Sorry I took so long, I've been stressing.

Mucho Amor,


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