Ch. 12 (part 1)

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We laughed harder, bending over with pain in our stomachs. 

Shea and I have been laughing at Alec and Jason for the last fifteen minutes. They were trying to imitate each other, and it was very, very funny. 

"Well, I'm just gonna go over here and shave my legs because that's the douche-y thing to do." Alec said, mimicking Jason.

"Yeah, well I'm gonna go make out with that girl then throw her in the lake, because that's the Alec thing to do!" Jason said, trying to imitate Alec. 

I looked between both of their angered features, showing that both of them have hit a nerve. 

Or maybe they just really can't stand each other anymore. At the end of last week, they were cool, I don't know what happened. But now they are just going at it like a bunch of three year olds. 

"Guys, calm down. What happened between you two?" I questioned, looking between them again. 

They both just glared at each other and then Jason walked off. Alec walked over and sat down next to me and laid his head on my shoulder. 

"This is so tiring." He said, letting out a deep breath. 

"What is?" I asked, patting the top of his head. 

He looked at the table for a second before answering. 

"Dealing with Jason while he's on his period." He said, before getting up and walking away. 

I looked over at Shea, who was still chewing on an apple. We busted out laughing for the 20th time today, and realized that Alec is truly done with Jason. We slowly stopped laughing, and Shea shoved another slice of apple in her mouth.  We have spent our whole lunch munching on her apple slices and watching those idiots. 

It's funny though, because Alec doesn't really hate Jason, and I'm pretty sure that Jason doesn't really hate Alec. I don't know why they are acting like this. 

"Guys are way worse about fighting over petty things. Especially when they spend too time together." Shea said, standing up to put her tray away. 

I laughed, realizing that it's true. 

"It's like they deliberately annoy each other, and it's all for nothing because they don't really hate each other." I said, following her to the tray line. 

We walked out of the cafeteria, moving on to our next activity. 

This camp for troubled teens is just like school, only we don't learn anything and we can usually skip certain things without repercussions. 

The next activity we have is a form of chores, we have to go through the camp and clean cabin numbers 3-6. Including mine and Shea's. They try and have at least one person from each cabin, incase someone is confused about where something goes. I'm from cabin 3, Shea is from cabin 5, some chick named Abril is from cabin 4, and a guy named Shawn is from 6. Shawn is the only guy so I feel bad for him. But the fact of the matter is, there aren't many guys at this camp. I mean yeah there are a lot, but not compared to the number of girls. 

Guys just don't get criticized the way girls do. If a guy cusses, wow big deal- but if a girl cusses, call the cops we have a white-trash hoe in our presence. When guys have sex, its like they get an award- but when girls have sex, you might as well call the hospital now because that disgusting slut has an STD! Everything in this century is sexist, whether or not people notice it or they don't.

Okay off topic, we're back to Jason and Alec being overly dramatic. 

Maybe I'm the overdramatic one...

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