Ch. 30

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The dimly lit streets were empty as Alec and I walked around. Everyone was most likely at the mayor's speech. Alec and I left that train wreck early on. The mayor isn't exactly a nice man, so he doesn't enjoy it when people clap loudly or speak while he is at the podium. 

"This is such a nice town," Alec said, looking over at me. 

"Yeah, it's pretty nice. I'm glad that after two weeks of you being here you finally notice," I joked, pushing him lightly. 

"You know, I've been here for longer than two weeks. You have just known about me being here for two weeks," Alec corrected. 

"Whatever. You wouldn't know how nice the town is if I wasn't here to help you find its many secrets," I stated matter of factly. 

"Okay, and what secrets does this town hold?" He asked. 

"Oh, there are so many. Like for instance, did you know that in that little bakery over there," I stopped, pointing to the Saphire Bakery, "There is an old wooden clock that is actually an entrance to a hidden room? She keeps her document and important stuff in there." I said, walking towards the empty park. 

Alec followed behind me, catching up so that he could put his arm around me. 

"I did not know that, thank you, Darling, for teaching me," He said, smirking as he kissed my cheek. 

"Awe, your welcome."

He laughed lightly, walking us over to the swings. 

I sat on the swing beside him, holding his hand between our swings. 

"I'm happy," Alec mumbled.

I glanced at him, the smile didn't fade from either of our faces. 

"Me too."

The moment shared between us was just as silent as it was content. Whenever I'm with him I feel so completely comfortable, like I can say or do anything and he won't judge me. It may sound incredibly corny, but I love him so it's okay.

My eyes found his plain brown ones, that seemed so beautiful to me. His eyes weren't just a boring brown, they had a life to them, a happiness. 

I pulled my hand from Alec's, taking a few steps away from the swing. I could tell that he was confused, seeing as how he wasn't following me. 

"Come on," I said, glancing at him over my shoulder. 

He jumped up, jogging over and throwing his arm over my shoulder. He whistled as we walked, his arm resting on my shoulders. 

We came to a stop in front of the old motorcycle repair shop. It's been here on the corner for years, my brother would sit in here for hours just working on his bike with Johnny. 

"Johnny, my man, how's she looking?" I asked, walking over to my favorite mechanic. 

"Like a beauty. The engine didn't sustain much damage, so it was quick and easy. I buffed out the scratches and fixed all the dents. You can take her home now," He said, tossing me the keys. 

"Really? How much?" I asked excitedly. 

"On the house," He said, giving me a hug. 

I wrapped my arms around the old man, squeezing him tightly. 

"Thanks, Johnny. I owe you!" I yelled, getting on my bike. 

"Come on, Alec."


I looked over at my boyfriend, is he honestly scared of motorcycles?

"You've never been on a bike before?" I asked, staring at him with wide eyes. 

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