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"We were lost before we knew each other."

this story has a modern settings. (Just some wierd places.) 

Also, I've taken the liberty to clear up some basics in fact about the main characters.

Starting with age.

Merida- 15. I made her 15 because in Brave, she's 16, and I wanted to make her just a bit younger because of Hiccup, since he is known to be the youngest by quite a lot, and I didn't want to tweak their ages too much.

Hiccup- 14. In the books they mention him to be 12 to 13, but I felt to make him older to be a bit more sustainable and built to withstand the outside world without his dad or family. (Not that 14 is an apropriate age, just better than 12 to 13.) And I wanted an age that would reassure that he wont be treated like a baby.

Jack- 16. I really don't know how old he is, honestly, but that's about the age he would look to me. And young enough to be considered a "kid" to people that they would come across. Plus I wanted him to sound suitable for school, even though 17 is. But due to how I will portray him, the younger the better. 

Rapunzel- 16. Again, she's supposed to be 18, but I wanted to narrow it down again for the same reasons as Jack. I didn't want anyone to really consider themselves adults, making them leaders. Plus I didn't want her to be older than Jack, for some reason. I really don't know why.....

And By the way, Jack doesn't have his lushious white hair this time. There wasn't much of a point for it, I thought I would tell you now. (It's not a spoiler unless you've grown attatched to them, like I have.) It's a

zombie apocalypse, there isn't much time for that stuff anymore....

"But mom,-" I argued.  

"No, Merida, No archery today. That's FINAL." She was denying me any fun. I swore to myself as I walked off, careful she wouldn't hear.

As I marched up to my room, I threw my bow onto my bed. I know, I may have over reacted compared to how many times she's said no. But I really needed to get away. My father was throwing another one of his parties, filled with beer and ancient fables and they always brought their sons so things wouldn't get too out of hand. But things were always so strange that I couldn't imagine how things would be if they weren't there.

I couldn't stand their sons. They were idiots and sexists who didn't believe I could shoot an arrow through all of their heads in one shot.

I would if I could.

And I could've been shooting arrows at targets with their heads taped onto them if they weren't coming. I Don't think I'll miss their heads then, now, would I?


It was loud, downstairs, and I almost didn't want to live in a big house. But here it was, and here they were.

Well, I was okay with them sometimes. As awkward as Dingwall was, he was still sweet and caring, and Mcguffin never seemed to get enough credit because he was a bit of a screw up- But Macintosh....

He was my target.

"Dumbroch!" He shouted.

"Macintosh..." I crossed my arms. He smirked and chuckled deeply, he never was able to say, 'dun'broch' correctly. I wasn't sure if he'd noticed the error, anyway. He flopped his curls out of his eyes.

DISCONTINUED: Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons: The ApocalypseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora