Maybe... Just Maybe...

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Again, I'm really really really sorry for the delay. I lost my tablet and I'd just found it about a week ago and right now I'm trying to get my stuff together because the school year is almost ending and I'm getting a crap load of work.

Honestly, the reason I may have a difficult time writing this is because it will start in HiccupsPOV. and I now have a friend whom I call my little hiccup. He looks exactly like him guys it's insane.

So anyway, Thanks so much for all the new votes and followers and nice comments!! I was surprised, I logged on and my wattpad was just full of new people and agh I love you ^~^

"In your eyes there is doubt as you try to figure it out, but that's not what life is about. So have faith, there's a way."


It was at this very moment which I'd realized I was unaware of the date. I was gonna guess some time in November, but that's not quite accurate enough. It was the dead of night, and the silence singled down my spine with its absence of street cars and stray animals, or even the whisk of the wind between the trees. Carefully I had to listen to the slow breathing of the body sleeping beside me, and the part where she may have been close enough to hear my heart beating.

I sat up propped against a wall, Merida with her hair tied tightly to avoid falling out in springs fell asleep long ago. On the couch next to us lay Jack, who had slumped over the small beat up futon in such a fashion that any other movement would cause him to roll onto the floor, or the futon to flip over. Toothless had crawled out of my bag long ago, slumbering somewhere in Punzie's room, probably curled up on the edge of her bed.

I was guessing it was Merida' s turn to take watch, for she had given up sleeping beside Jack, complaining that although she'd kept him warm, he tossed and turned like a washing machine and constantly wacked her in the face. And now that she'd curled up beside me it would be easy for me to wake her up. But she's looked so comfortable, and I knew it would be  waste to wake her up if I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway. If anyone is gonna sleep tonight, it probably won't be me.

(authors note: at this point i have hit 420 words heehee)

But she twitched slightly only to have woken herself up. Making small noises in attempt to awake herself she stretched and looked up, to see me wide awake and trying to make as if I weren't previously staring at her so she wouldn't suspect how long I was actually... staring at her... She sat up with her hair forming curtains over her face, taking her whole hand to push it back t fall in clusters over her eyes again. As she rubber her eyes, she umbled lazily.

"Ey, why didn'tchya wake me up?"

"I wasn't tired." I said.

She stretched, arms extending over her head with a yawn. "Well, ya know you'll be just a wee bit exhausted later?"

I shrugged. "But you won't." she gave a soft smile it acceptnce of my answer. Before she could ask to take watch, Jack rolled over and his heavy snores were inerrupted as it had woken him up.

"Wh-whwah-.." he woke, startled by himself. He rubbed his eyes mid stretch and yawned, then hesitated before moving again. "So what's up?" He said, his voice airy. Then, finally looking at us, he raised an eyebrow.

Merida caught on first, then quickly straightened herself up off of me. "Oh, um, nothing. Just taking watch."

Jack was completely unconvinced, but the subject changed when we heard footsteps coming from the staircase. Long blonde hair silhouetted down the stairs, and Jack was the first to stand and rush to her.

A cat followed, and ran down the stair case a head of her and disappeared into a nearby room.

Punzie rubbed her eyes and said, " do we get breakfast?"

It was rather amazing, seeing that this 18 year old girl could resemble that of a small child. From her voice to her size to her aura, nothing about her said that she was beyond 11 despite her intelligence.

Jack couldnt help but smile, even just a little. She didnt look sick at all. Not even sweaty. So, maybe, Rapunzel was right. Maybe she was the one in a million who may survive.

We were all here now, we were all happy, too. Funny, because im sure each of us hate a lot of things about each other. But for just a moment, we didnt think about not being safe, we thought about the fact that Punzie was safe at all. With that, I think that maybe, just maybe.... we wpuks make it out alive.

Suddenly a spund errupted, the door knob shook.

Outside, the window showed a pale women with the darkest hair and random grey streaks,  hair that resembled that of a grey cloud.

Rapunzel ran the other way. And when I said wed make it out alive, I might have spoken too soon.

Guess whos  back??? Me. I am. Im back.
And its exam week :(

DISCONTINUED: Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons: The ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now