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I Jinxed it.

I'm baaaacckkk :D Today's been a weird day, I've been all weird lately. So I'm gonna try to get my head back in order.

To recap, Everyone is now at the same camp, it is only a matter of fate that can make them friends. Now, what will fate come up with?


"Oh death, won't you spare me over another year?" -Jen Titus

October 20, 2017

6:30 am


I've never been so worried for Henry. He hasn't moved in about 12 hours, and It made me uneasy. I felt the growing anxiety in the pit of my stomach as I watched  his slow breaths. His mouth slightly open, I noticed the cold air exhaling in a fog from his mouth. It had to have been 29°F and he layed motionless. I didn't know why I felt so worried, I mean we did take care of each other, but he wasn't my family. He was hardly my friend. The sun would come up in  a few minutes, only the candles keeping light in the room.

I felt my eyes finally drift as I tried to stay up. I haven't left his side since they let me see him. They cut up the stitches which took a lot of convincing to make them believe it wasn't a bite. They said I'd saved his life but... As I wait for him to stop breathing, the statement slowly becomes untrue.

Toothless wouldn't leave his side. He sat curled up by his scarred hip for hours,  sniffing his face every few hours.

My eyes were closed when I heard a muffled groan. I yanked my head up to see him rub his eyes, then try to sit up before he groaned in pain and slid down again.

I sat up with tired eyes and said, "Hey. How you feeling?"

He gave a long sigh and said, " Like Crap." I chuckled. His voice was faint, but it wasn't weak. Relief quickly washed over me. Toothless sat up, and Henry gladly stroked his back.

"I'm sure. That cut was infected. Apparently,"  I scooted closer to him on my chair, "You could've died." My smile faded.

His did as well. "Oh," he said. "Well, I'm not, right?" He asked in a way that more questioned if it was true than to prove a point. I gave a smile for him, and shook my head. "Oh... Well that's a relief."

I laughed lightly. "It is. for both of us..." I said, all seriousness in my tone. I looked into his eyes to tell him how serious I really was, in which he slumped down, almost disappointed in himself.

"I didn't mean to worry you like that, sorry." He tried to sit up but his cut wouldn't let him.

"You need to rest. I'll get you some breakfast." He looked around to find a small room with faded white walls, a sink, and a huge organized public medicine cabinet.

"Wait, where are we?" He asked.

"Burgess." He smiled to himself.

I grimaced. "Well I hope you like dry cereal." And I got up from my seat. I felt a hand grab my wrist. "Wait," he said. "I wanna come with you."

"The nurse said not to leave your bed for at least a day." I reminded sternly.

"Its been half a day, I'll just be getting a breakfast." He said. I would've said no, but I understood how useless he'd felt. I grabbed his duffel and threw it on my chair.

"Get dressed and meet me outside." He looked down to realize he was not only shirtless, but it was cold enough to snow outside. He quickly started rummaging through his bag as I left.

DISCONTINUED: Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons: The ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now