Please don't leave me

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Sorry I was totally procrastinating to write this. I said I had a bunch of ideas and I do, but I like to pretend I have good art skills so I cM better visualize what they look like. So basically, I was doing everything for this chapter except.... Writing it. I Evan read a whole bunch of fanfictions from all different fandoms for ideas on cute little traits for them.

Also, while watching the walking dead, my mom gave me an idea to mark the date in bold before each date, because she said they should do that so they know how long it's been.

So instead of adding the date at random times ever so vaguely like I've already done, I've decided to be a but more detailed.

I've taken about 10 minutes to debate the time period as well, and although I don't fit it into description, let's go back to the future.

Pun. Pun.


"But you see, it's not me, it's not my family."

Day 14

October 17, 2020

The sun came up, and as soon as my bison could fix onto the sky, I ran off, farther and farther east.

I'd told her what direction I was going, and I was still going in that direction. But That was the closest city there was, fairly close to the south Carolina border.

Paying close attention to the ground, I cringe as the leaves beneath my stolen sneaker give way to a satisfying crunch.

I hear a wild scream erupt in an echo. That might have been... Mother... Realizing I was gone. I charged forward past the point of aching muscles in my legs.

I may have tripped a few more times then I was able to keep track of, as stumbling on the outstretched roots and holes became a big issue. Ruining her shoes, I felt my legs extend too deep, as I fell into a wall of... Nothing?

I met the other side, behind the long vines that hung across the tall trees. I stretched my arms in front of me to cushion my fall onto a hard tar road. I looked both ways, then carefully, I charged again. The city wasn't far away. South Caroline had to be around 10 miles, and I'll know when I get there.

It was strange. The vacancy was quite frightening, no Cars wishing past, and if I wasn't taught otherwise I would have taken the advantage to walk along the road. I've been out of the house before, but never so exposed. I rode shotgun in my mothers white Toyota. Never did I step foot onto the ground, and mother had always insisted that I were to occupy myself instead of gaze.out the window.

Why was I still calling her mother? I didn't know her real name, she never brought it up. If never been in direct contact with aNyone other than her, yet.. I knew nothing about her. I didn't know her name, her parents, what her favorite color was for gods sake. But that was because I never thought to ask.

Up ahead, as my sight fixed on the small town ahead. It must've still been Georgia. I certainly hadn't walked 10 miles that quickly. If I took the shortcut, and considered my consistent speed of about 2 miles an hour...

This was going to be a long day.



She was getting worse. Even she could tell. There was no doubt in my mind that she was infected anymore. But I still denied it, because that was something that I was really good at.

DISCONTINUED: Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons: The ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now