New Age

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1guys, I'm really bad at main character narrating. I used to do it all the time, but for some reason describing what you'd be doing yoursef is a bit... difficult to me. I overuse the "I" and repeat words a lot, and I feel like such a terrible writer in comparison to my other work. I ever thought I was a bad writer, but writing this is really hard. I love it though, so much. But everything is so much slower


"If we can't restrain the beast inside, it will find a way somehow somewhere in time."

I woke up myself this time, No one pulled me out of bed, and the windows were boarded from the outside. I rubbed my hand aross my face and rubbed my eyes with my palm. I sigehd as I lugged my legs over my bed. I face my clock, reading 10:07.


I was late!

I grabbed a t-shirt from the edge of my bed post and the first pair of jeans I saw as I pulled out the drawer. I shuffled to put them on over my boxers, and fell down as I hopped throughout my room. I grabbed my bag and shifted my shirt collar to slink underneath my neck as I ran down stairs.

My dad stopped me in my tracks.

"Hiccup, don't." His look was stern and vicious. I mean, he always had that look, but... Never at me.

"What's wrong dad? I'm late, why didn't you wake me?" THe alarm clock never woke me up. It was never any use, and thats sort of one of the things that made me sort of dependant. Plus, I was pretty sure he didn't know about me playing left 4 dead all night.... every night...

"Hiccup, schools been canceled. Aparrently there's been an outbreak of disease, and until the ships dock to take us out of berk for a while, we're gonna have to keep a low profile." He said. Crossing his arms. What kind of disease would be so bad as to boarding up my windows and canceling school.

"Look, Hicc, This disease isn't contagoius, unless you're... scratched... or bitten." He began. "Then, it kills you, and..." He began hesitating even longer each time. "You come back."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Dad... What do you suppose they're titling this... event?" I was afraid my suspicions were right.

And I'm sad to say they were. My dad straightened up and said with nerve, Two words that made my heart stop.

"The apocalypse."


I rubbed my eyes, to a bright light of my lamp. "Merida, I have news." My mother informed. "There has been an outbreak in a city nearby."

I yawned, and muttered, "Thats wonderful, mum. Now please, leave."

She ripped the sheets off of me.

"Merida, this is serious." She sternly approached me. "We'll be leaving for Corona in a few days, so I suggest you pack only what you need. We'll be boarding the ship at 7 am, three days," She left my room, while slamming my door shut.

But to my surprise, (And eventually, my delight,) she opened the door again and said, "Don't leave the house without your bow and Arrows. You might need it when we go out for supplies." And the door shut again. I felt a smile growing across my face.

I cheered, "YES!!!" And fell back down from my sitting position with glee.


"Mom, I'm home." I there my bag on the floor and closed the door, locking the door and by lock and chain. 

My mom, to my surprise, was actually awake. She was still in her pajamas and bags drapes under her eyes as she sat on the couch, leaning into the TV screen. The reporter mumbled some things I didn't care to.listen to, but that wasn't what caught my attention. The screen switched to wandering... Creatures from a distance. They looked human, but they couldn't be. They wouldn't be able to move with their flesh wounds and missing parts... They looked, decomposed, almost. 

She turned off the t.v. As she heard me come in. "Jack." She said softly. "where have you been!" She'd Gotten to her feet now, and ran over to me. As she wrapped her arms around me, I really couldn't help but hesitate. It's been such a long time since she did. But I felt her tears falling, staining my shoulder. I had finally Hugged back. Had she been crying this whole time? She pulled away, and examined my face in a way that brought me discomfort. She wasn't herself at the moment... 

"there's been an outbreak. I didn't know where you were, and I know I sound like I'm exadurating, but I don't care. Sometimes been infected in the area. I thought you we're hurt, and-" she stopped, pulling me in for a hug. A hug in a way that wrapped over my arms, so I had a hard time returning the Favor. "please stop leaving." Snowboarders between a sudden bursts of sons. "Promise me you'll stop leaving." 

I sighed, and I replied as calmly as I could, "I'll never leave you, mom."

DISCONTINUED: Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons: The ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now