Back to Burgess

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"I remember you said 'don't leave me here alone.' But all that's dead and gone and past tonight."

October 19

5:03 am.

Day 14

Highlight: "I'll be Katniss."


My day consisted of running and jumping and weeping. My frying pan had been my only protection. I couldn't go back, I just couldn't. Mother wasn't someone I could trust anymore, if she could kill a man, she wouldn't think twice about killing Mr, or keeping my blood. Why was I so special? Had no one else consist of AB negative? Of course it was rare, but I wasn't the only one. Me in particular, as she said it made me prone to the disease, but they could still bite me. My flesh smelt like anyone elses to them. They could still bite my arm off, and leave net to bleed to death. They could still leave me for dead. Try could still tip me apart. They could still kill me like anyone else.

I think I was in South Carolina now. I splattered against the walls to avoid future encounters, and so far it worked pretty well.

As I slapped myself against the brick wall in my tattered clothes that had ripped at the edges and right down the middle.

Blood dropping from the scraped in my knee burned with the wind brushing, but I'd grown used to it. In the beginning, I limped and whimpered. I hardly got hurt, my skin was soft and untouched, practicAlly, but that was then, this is now. If I scream, I risk my life. If I do anything unnecessary, I die. That's how it works, now. But I can't go back, she'll use my blood for her selfish survival....

I'll be Katniss. I will fight against the higher power for my survival. To make things right.

I grip my frying pan, and I charge.

The woods we're quiet and to my advantage, very empty. It was the only thing separating the next town over. I grabbed the map and paced my steps quickly and lightly across the ground. You'd think I'd get attacked, right? I thought so too. But the end of the woods came quite quickly. About 10 minutes. But my map was off. Outdated, I suppose. The woods were to extend for at least 4 miles, but it was cut to two. And there was no freeway, but there it was, a messy road with wrappers and crashed,and in the distace, lines of cars on the going the opposite direction of th e other side of the road.

The gate isn't far away, there has to be some sort of escape there. Bold Blue words on a bloody billboard say, "Welcome to Burgess."


A nice man greeted me. He took my bags and he rushed me inside, no word necessary. That was until they flashed a light in my eye, lasers and strapped me down in a chair.

"Sweetie, we'll need to take your temperature." A woman smiled, her hair in a frizzy bun holding her hair back, and a dark green shirt with baggy pants and heavy boots. What was that called? She looked familiar, her uniform... militia?

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice meek and raspy.

She smiled pleasantly. she tucked a brown strand of hair behind her ear, "Sergeant Holt. military." Military. She was in the military. She stuck a wired machine next to me, and I felt a sharp pain in my fore arm. She stabbed a... Needle into me? I struggled to get the needle out. Are they trying to kill me? Was I bitten?

"Sorry Hon.' I gotta check for infection."

She stuck the needle into a vile and handed it to a man beside her. In 10 minutes time they let me go. "Negative, you may go in" she said. They led ne through Thick doors where the man who carried my bags handed them to me. "you get your own tent, 5 groups down. I'll be back to check on you before dinner."

I took a deep breath. So this is Burgess?

Or at least, what's left of it.


OHMAGLOB I'M SO SORRY. I was in the hospital, (don't worry im not dying or anything) and I wasn't allowed internet access and ugh I sowwy.

Have a cookie?



But stuff happened and I needed to get some stuff in order before I could start writing again. I got back a week ago but I finally feel up to it (because I don't have school heehee) so here it is. Sorry for the wait! I'll be updating myother stories asap (but I'll try not to jinx it even though I already did oops)

Btw. Tell me an unrelated fanfic I can do. Like teen titans or Harry potter or soul eater or fairytail. I need a bit more flexibility and some other fandoms to work with for my creative juices.



DISCONTINUED: Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons: The ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now