Newbies and breakthroughs

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I own nothing (not for you to know if you have no intentions to sue me)

This contains hints of pairings, but please don't take it too far. They literally mean nothing. Like seriously don't ship everyone who communicates just shhhh.

"If you want to get out alive, then hold on for your lives."

-Three Days Grace

October 18

7:30 pm

Day 15

Quote of the chapter: "Everybody loses in this war."


It had been a single night at camp. I've avoided eye contact and I haven't opened my mouth. Not to yawn, or eat, and definitely not to talk. People have started a suspicion that I was mute rather than asking me anything myself. I shook my head no or nodded yes, and if it didn't qualify, I would shrug or point direction, and when the pressured me more I would continue to shrug or shake my head, whatever suited the correct response.

I've overheard commotion of new people, and when I'd heard the news that I'd be sharing camp ground I knew it was true. Since I'd come alone, I'd shared my own tent for myself, not,having to share anything, so since the camp was becoming crowded, I was the few who had room to spare.

You see, I've come to notice that there is a price of admission. They always check your bag for anything useful, and they usually take something. Of course, they'll let you in if you're young or useful looking if you come empty handed. Young out of pity, and strong is needed to build defense. I suppose I was young enough, but I'd come with lots a batteries that have mysteriously disappeared. But I didn't mind. that was my price of admission.

I've met the new people today. They rode in on a van covered in dried blood. They say they came from Florida, some place called Berk not far from here.  A girl and a boy, maybe around my own age, the girl's blonde hair was soaked with blood that was blackened in decay as she held an axe quite firmly and cautiously. The boy had his loaded shotgun and stuck closely behind the girl the whole time. 

It wasn't until later that night that they talked to me. I was crawling out of my tent to fix the knot in the zipper when the girl came out with a flashlight. Her tent was next to mine, about 3 feet away, and she only got out to make sure I wasnt one of them. As the light of her flashlight gleamed in my face I blocked the light with my hand. It wasn't completely dark, why did she need that flashlight anyway?

"Oh, sorry." She apologised. I thought you were one of those things." I shrugged. There was a long silence, I was wondering why she was still hear. "You're Jack, right?" I nodded.

"I'm Astrid." I nudged my chin in her direction as a substitute for talking, "My boyfriend and I just got here from Berk. That place in Florida?" I nodded in acknowledgment. "Welost a friend of mine before we got here." As much as I wanted to nod or shake my head or point or whatever, I realized we've all lost someone. And now wasn't a time to be rude about it, it never is the time. 

"I'm sorry about that." I said. I figured she needed to get things off of her chest. "I lost my mom, not long ago."

"Oh." She muttered. "I'm... I'm so sorry." I shrugged. 

"Don't be. She was sick anyway. Everyone loses in this war." The unplanned words escaped my mouth as we shared a moment of exceptance. "So how's your parents?"

DISCONTINUED: Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons: The ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now