You've Found Me

691 22 13

Alright guys, when I add the comments and the messages, I was able to confirm a tally:

Mericcup: 8

Jackpunzel: 8

Jerida: 6

So basically, Mericcup and jackpunzel are STILL TIED. Oi.

And there were a lot more Jerida shippers than I thought. We'll I ship everyone with, well, Everyone, so the new series won't be too hard to write

(And as long as we're all on the same page, the pair is for a NEW book, this is going to be a jackpunzel and merricup story.

Well if it's still the same number I'll have to do two superset ones at once, Nd that would make 4 ongoing stories D:

So pretty much, if no ones in favor of Hicpunzel or any slashes, then it doesn't really count yet.


But I've never been so flattered guys, you want me to make your otp's so badly? Btw this next chapter (and although very unlikely the next one) will probably only share the point of view of Hiccup and Merida.

So anyway, here ya go.( note: there is a curse word eventually, but that's to put some emphasis to it. I hope that's cool with you.)


America was turning into the land of the dead, just like my last home did. The change was quick, and the military looked like they were losing control of it, as well. I was worried that there wouldn't be land untouched by the dead when this plague disappears.

I was glad my mother was safe, though. Atlanta wasnt safe. Reports had said that the infection was in Atlanta, and unfortunately, it spread all too quickly, and like scotland, it was overrun. Fortunately, though, there was a place in South Carolina. It had the military on it's side, building walls to hold survivors, and I planned to be one of them.

The fall season gave me a chill as I tugged on my sweater, pulling it over my hands. I had to put on a lot of clothes to make my duffle bag lighter, but I still felt a cramp in my shoulder where the strap was.

As I rubbed my shoulder and switched the position of the strap, I watched my feet walk along the yellow trail in the center of the road.

My hands slipped into my pocket, as I watched the sun set. I'd been walking for hours, and I saw a freeway up ahead.

The sky was getting dark, I checked my watch to read 5:58. It would only be a matter of minutes before it gets dark, and I needed to find shelter. I looked around, hoping for an idea to pop up. I eyed the tall trees, I wasn't sure if they were all thick enough, so I debated whether it was a good idea to risk going into the woods on the side of the road So I could find a tall tree to sleep in, or keep walking in hopes of finding another living person.

My watch beeped, marking 6:00, and I decided it would've been best to stay in a tree, maybe tie myself to it so I wouldn't fall. I didn't have anyone to take watch, but I needed to sleep, so I took my bow out of my bag, followed by my quiver of arrows, and shoved my shoulder bag into the duffle.

I headed into the woods, an eerie feeling starting to spread.

Woods were never good, most horror films take place in the woods. Especially after dark. It was officially the one place in the world where zombies wouldn't be the only thing to watch out for.

I could barely see, now, and the peek of the sky that I could see was a very dark and gloomy shade of blue.

Marking a tree, I spotted a dead corpse laying on the ground, a wooden stick logged into it's left eye. I figured this might be the safest place, since in the walking dead, they used the smell to keep other zombies away, covering up their smell of the living. Well, I hope this works anyway. I was desperate and equally Tired, so it didn't matter to me anyway.

DISCONTINUED: Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons: The ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now