Disaster strikes

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Why does the sun rise in the morning?

I say it's to greet those who've made it until the next day.

As long as the sun still rises upon Scotland, I will not stop believing my father is alive.


It's been 3 days since the infection overran Scotland, and I will seize to believe that anything happened to my father. High Castle walls can withstand anything. Well, that's what I've been taught, anyway.

My mother hasn't let me leave the hotel room without her. And in any case, she won't leave without all there of us. Otherwise, she strays from the family to sit in her room, no doubt to grieve. She's a queen, she's acted humble in public all her life, but it doesn't matter who you are to know that you can fall apart when you're alone.

I'd fall apart told, if it weren't for the triplets. Finally pulling their devilish acts aside, they are just old enough to understand that death is rising. And no one was safe.

Mother didn't mind the weapons on the table anymore. Well, Im sure she does sometimes, so I let it sit beside my chair at dinner, instead. We eat in silence a bowl of cereal, usually. But we'll have to leave soon, for the infection has been rumored to be lurking in America, and as unlucky as we are, it might be close by.

I keep everything in my duffle bag and wear a lot of clothes to allow room in my bag (and because it's usually around 50° during mid fall.)

We were moving again today.

To Atlanta. Everyone was rumored to have to evacuate, and we wanted to move as soon as possible. It was a very dark time, people who knew who we we're have us the saddest looks, and honestly, I didn't need that. None of us did, and the government was kind enough to take my family in, so why were we moving?

I threw what was left of my possessions into my duffle bag and slung my messenger bag across my body.

As I left my room my mother grabbed my hand and walked me to the car, where we would say goodbye to New York. Atlanta, Georgia was a new place. Maybe it could be a new start.

There we're no words today, only nods and hand signals. We didn't weep or mourn, and a few of us past Scotland citizens prayed, but I knew that if I wanted a change, I'd have to do it myself, not God. I've never been religious, my family has been, and I've never been against religion. I've just never prayed, or payed much attention to church after a while, or read much of the bible, it anything. But that didn't mean I couldn't try to pray. It was the first time, and I didn't know what I was doing, and I had no hope it would work. But there wasn't much hope left for the world anyway, you Know?

"Amen." I whispered. That was how people did it in movies.



I gulped down the water bottle as I swung my legs over the edge of the balcony and leaned against the wall. I stared at the setting sun that spread across the purple and orange sky.

Mother was out shopping, and she made me study, but that was all I ever did. After about 10 minutes of reading the same paragraph over and over I realized that I'll probably never use this skill in my everyday life and slammed the book shut.

I was too pale to stay inside, but once I opened the door to the balcony, I realized it was too late to see the sun. So I watched it say goodbye to the world.

"Rapunzel?" I heard my mother call from downstairs as I heard a door swing open. I shuffled off of the balcony and fell on my butt onto the cold ground, where I shuffled to my math book and opened it to a random page. What the hell is a contropositive?

"Rapunzel, dear, you haven't done to bed yet?" She asked as she saw my open text book. Clearly, I was knee deep in my study skills.

"It's only 6:30." I say. The sun only just set, why would I be Tired now?

"Oh, Rapunzel, didn't I tell you? We're having guests over." What? We never have guests. OBVIOUSLY. "We'll, you will. I've hired someone to look after you while I'm gone from now on."

I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. I would never do that to her in front of her. "Mom, I'm 16, 17 is 2 days!"

"Oh that's right dear! You're going to be a big girl soon."

I nod eagerly, though it made me seem child like. "Well until then you'll need a baby sitter."

The smile forming on my face quickly faded. I can't debate with mother.

...But why can't I? I've never been punished, and there is nothing she can really do to punish me.


She turned sharply, "Excuse me?"

"No." I say bluntly, folding my arms across my chest. "I have stayed in this tower and haven't left till you came back. That's all I've BEEN doing. I've been staying put my entire life because that's what you've taught me to do, and now you can't trust me enough to do it?"

"Rapunzel, I am getting someone to watch you. I have important BUSINESS to attend for a few hours. How dare you disrespect me like that?" She looks angry now, and I feel a lump in my throat and this sudden burning through my body.

"Mother that's all I've been doing. Respecting the rules. But I want to do something fun!" I tell, but I try I be respectful. It's harder to do so now, for some reason.

"RAPUNZEL. YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO LEAVE THIS TOWER." My eyes widen. I feel tears making their way down my face in a stream.

I scream at her. "AS SOON AS I TURN 18 I'M LEAVING."

As the words leave my mouth, more of them threaten to escape my mouth as it quivers. My fists are in clutches. My mothers angry face turns straight. I'd expected her to be sad, but she matches up to me and... She raised her hand to slap me.


And again..

Until she finally leaves the room, my burning face struck with pain and tears.


I got a request for a Mericcup story.

I've thought about modern au, because I really love those when it comes to people from past centuries.

So?  Should it be a homeschool Thing... I dunno, it's still in a brainstorming process.

DISCONTINUED: Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons: The ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now