The first 'Taste'

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HELLO. APPARENTLY THIS IS GOING WAY BETTER THAN I THOUGHT. I actually got some messages about continuing. :DDD (and by some I mean one AWESOME READER.)


So my Left 4 dead knowledge is finally paying off, xbox time is really making some ideas roll for this. Therefor, There is a spoiler for Left 4 dead 2. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

I do not own Rise of the Guardians, Brave, Tangled, or How to train your dragon.

Or Zombie Land, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, The Last of us, Doctor Who, Minecraft, Harry Potter, The Walking Dead, Netflix, Lord of the Rings, Tumblr, or any other productions mentioned in the following chapter.

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..If you want to.


This Apocalypse is stupid. Honestly, where are all the flesh eaters?

No one is really thinking much of it. Really, everyone assumes it'll pass within a month, but I can't really help but be worried. The last time school was canceled was because of a tsunami warning. (Two feet of waves made us run for our lives.)

These things never really pull through. But my dad was scaring me. In left 4 dead it had only taken 4 weeks, and by left 4 dead 2, Bill was dead.

Well, and everyone else that weren't Louis, Francis and Zoey. Or was that Rachelle? But that's not important. The important thing was that my dad was scaring me. He boarded up my window, and boarded the door so that No one could get in, only out. (But how are we gonna get in from the outside? You see, my dad wasn't smart like that. Just this old time-y football player with a really big heart.)

You see, everything was okay still yet. Iwas inside, and I didn't need to go to school. Everything was fine and dandy, really. Just me, my xbox, tumblr, all 8 Harry Potter movies, my Lord Of the Rings collectors edition pack, and netflix. My life hasn't changed yet.

I was on my laptop, sitting on the floor of the living room where my dad could keep an eye on me. He was convinced it really was an apocalypse. Although I was too, with all my years of watching zombie land and back to back episodes of the walking dead, this is how it always starts- when you least expected it.

I didn't even have the chance to play the last of us yet. The last zombie related thing I've done was spawn one in minecraft. (It's also how you get booted out by a server with no sense of humor.)

My dad shut the lid of the laptop in the middle of Doctor Who. As the Tenth doctor muttered, But I don't want to Go, He turned on the t.v. where every single channel had a report of the spreading of the infection. Normally I would've debated, being denied my Doctor Who, but the scenes were a bit.. gruesome. These, things were running around, very wobbly on their feet. It was hard to explain, but I was trying really hard to stay away from my dad's apocalyptic conclusion.

It was ridiculous. Why all of sudden? From looking back, I would've been ready. As if playing video games and reading graphic novels were really gonna prepare you for this. Well, seriously, its not. I felt vulnerable from watching these graphic gore scenes. They were all in Scotland, I recognized the scenes. They said it was 20% under control, as if it were a wild fire. The King had stayed, and sent the princess and princes to evacuate, along with the queen.

They showed pictures of the queen and her 4 kids, the girl looked maybe a year older than me at most. She was quite pretty, but she was a princess. Of course she was. It looked as if none of the four children took after their mother, a slim brunette with four crazy haired red heads, who looked all the same. Except for the daughter, she just looked older, and well, like a girl. But that was it.

They showed the next scene with cameras being shoved in her face. She covered her face with ehr hair, but I wasn't sure if she'd done it on purpose. Lights flashed, and I'd finally got a good look at her face. She looked nothing like her picture, though. Well, sort of, but she looked less serious, and her hair was even curlier. Her mother looked the same, and very tall. She shielded Merida by draping her arm across her and held the hands of three boys, who were curious above all at the flashing lights that blurred the vision of their identical blue-grey eyes.

I felt bad for them. It would only be a matter of weeks before their father is over run. Scotland will be no more.

"Hiccup, I'm going out for more supplies. I don't think we have enough food, so stay here, alright?"

I mutter, "Mhmm." Before opening the lid of my laptop and stick my headphones back on.

"Hic," He says, putting his hand over the lid, "I mean it. Don't go anywhere, and don't let anyone inside. Do you understand?"

It was more of a demand than a question, but I nod, "Yes sir." And he barged out the door, without another word.


"Mum!" I shouted. "Am leavin now!" I barged out the door with a backpack clutched in my hand.

"Wait, No!" I heard my mother say. "Merida, we have to go." She grabbed my hand and pulled me back down the hall. Dragging me up the stairs, she said in short breathes, "We need to leave. NOW.." She held a right grip on my wrist as I tried to debate, but her grip didn't loosen a bit.

"Mum! You said I could go!" I struggled and yanked, but she held a firm hand and shoved me into my room. "MUM! What's going on! Say somethin'!" She tugged a duffle bag out from under my bed and roughly threw clothes off of the hangers, shoving it in the bag. I couldn't move, only because I couldn't interrupt her. She was moving so quickly that there was nothing much I could really do. She said without pausing for a breath, "Go get the boys and pack their things. I'll explain in the car."

I did as she said. I was scared, honestly. But I rushed to the boys rooms, and acted the same way..

Hubert and Harris were at eachothers throats when I walked in, rushed and scared. I pulled down their bags, which they'd salvaged under their messy beds, and pulled it on top their beds. All there of their suitcases were piled on Huberts bed, and I'd stuffed clothes into each of them. (I couldn't tell which pair of what belonged to who, but they looked practically the same, so what did it matter?)

"Merida? What's wrong?" I hear one of them ask. They hear my panting and sighs as I say, "I don't know, but it's serious." I zip up the first duffle bag. "Meet mum in the car."

And I slumped each bag over my shoulder.

Honestly, what could've happened that was so bad? Did mom and dad have a fight? No, he was just a big teddy bear. Seriously, he wouldn't harm a fly. Did it have anything to do with that outbreak in the next town over?

This was going to be a long day, I'm sure.


CHAPTER 6. Right? Right.

I made Hiccup a boy version of me, sorry xD He just seemed like the type, you know? Creative, and tech-type. Everyone's read at least one AU fanfiction with Hiccup playing the Tech nerd. Well this is one of them.

Lemme know who I should pair with who. I ship Mericcup and Jackpunzel, but I want to put a twist on things. If I don't get enough comments about it then this is going to be a subtle Mericcup and Jackpunzel story. Idk how subtle, exacty, but the romance will still be there.

And I was too lazy to reread this, so sorry about any errors in punctuation or spelling.

DISCONTINUED: Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons: The ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now