Imagine: Kíli saving your life

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you walked away from the battle field. you were hurt and you needed to go, otherwise you would die. you called yourself a coward and struggled with walking. there was a big cut in your left leg, so walking wasn't very easy. a branche of some tree smashed against the cut and pain travelled from your leg through the rest of your body. tears filled your eyes. you sat down against the tree. this was hopeless; you were hurt, losing blood and you couldn't walk, and it was freezing cold. you shivered. tears started running over your cheeks. this was it, the end. you shook your head and wiped your eyes. you couldn't just give up like this. you stood up. maybe you could find some help, to fight against the Orcs. you looked around. there were old buildings all around you, the city Dale. the Mountain on your left side and on your right side some hill. you started walking towards the hill, you didn't know what it was and maybe you could find someone who could help.

after a while you reached it and looked around. you could over see the battle field, Dwarves, Elves and Men killed by the Orcs. your eyes filled with tears again, your family was among the people of Laketown. your father was fighting with them. you felt guilty that you let them down like this. but you were going to get help, and after all, women weren't supposed to fight.
you turned your head when you heard the sound of someone walking towards you. no, not walking, running. and also not one person. your eyes widened when like 100 Orcs came running towards you. you were filled with horror, but you stopped shaking though, you didn't want to die as a coward. you sighed when they came very close to you and one of them held his sword above his head, ready to chop your head off. but he didn't get the chance: someone came from beside me and bumbed in to him and killed it.
you looked at your savior. the first thing you noticed was that he was very small. a dwarf! he had dark hair and slayed all the Orcs, saving you. you grabbed the sword of the dead Orc and helped him killing the other Orcs. your leg hurt, but you didn't care. you were surprised, you actually didn't even know how to use a sword, but you killed Orc after Orc.
when all the Orcs were dead or gone, he walked towards you.
"are you okay?" he asked.

Aidan Turner ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now