Imagine: you seeing Aidan and Dean on a plane

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sorry, it's been so long since I published my last imagine! please don't kill me xD
hope you'll like this one!!

you walked towards the plane and went into it. you were going on a trip to New Zealand, to visit the places where the Hobbit was being filmed. you looked forward to it.
you were a big fan of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, you had read all the books and you had seen the movies several times. it sort of was your whole life.
exactly it totally was, because you also loved Aidan Turner and Dean O'Gorman, who played Fíli and Kíli. so yeah...
you walked into the plane and sat down in a chair. you looked out of the window when the plane started to fly, higher and higher. the houses and fields beneath you grew smaller and smaller.
it was beautiful!!
you ignored the annoying feeling of flying, you only looked outside.
how could it be possible that some people were afraid of this? afraid of hights?
you didn't even notice the two guys who were sitting behind you.
"beautiful, isn't it?"
you turned around and saw Aidan and Dean sitting in the chairs behind you. Aidan smiled at you.
"yeah, it certainly is", you answered, you didn't know if you were talking about the sight or about his smile.
probably both.
"so where are you going?" you asked to keep the conversation going.
you felt your heart beating on a high speed, it would definately explode any second.
"New Zealand", Dean answered. "you?"
you was so flattered by the fact that they kept talking to you as well.
"me too!" you said.
you nodded. "I'm going to visit the places where the Hobbit is filmed", you added.
"you certainly should! it is beautiful", Aidan said.
"I hope so", you replied.
you already loved this trip, you had the good fortune to meet your favourite actors Aidan and Dean.
"especially Hobbiton! that place is briliant. very expensive tho."
you smiled. "it must have been great to film there", you said.
"yes, but that was not only because of the place, but it's such a good story", Dean replied.
"it's the best story I know", you said. "I wish my story was just as amazing..."
it actually was. you met Aidan and Dean! and that was like your biggest dream...

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