Chapter 1

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I sat at the edge of my bed saying to myself "what college should I choose?"

I have no idea why I thought it would be smart to choose three colleges at once, then again I did not think that three of them would accept me at the same time either.

I set the acceptance letters down on the desk beside me and flopped back on my bed. I decided I should think of the pros and cons of each school.

If I choose Harvard I would be able to come home on weekends and holidays which is really nice, but I heard it is full of snobs who think they know everything and I hate those kind of people.

What about Western university? I would only be able to come home on the holidays which isn't too bad. but the people there are so nice.  Then there is Yonsei University that would mean I would have to move to South Korea.

Never coming home or barely ever coming home, But, I would love to get out of here and see new things. Plus, I'll finally be able to meet my grandparents for the first time! I guess all of them have their perks in one way or another.

There was a knock on the door, I  sit up and pull the hair out of my face "come in," the door opens and as it opens my dad pops his head in "Hey, sunshine how's it going?"

I wanted to ask him about Yonsei, but saw the smile on his face,. I just couldn't as of right now. Seeing him smile this way, he must have some good news.

"Well, ok I guess," I shrugged my shoulders.

"So have you made up your mind?" He asks looking at the letters.

I saw the disappointment when he looked at the Yonsei letter. "Um, not yet, but I only have five days I feel so pressured," I said putting my head into my hands.

He gave a slight sigh " I know the feeling honey."

I lifted my head and let out a sigh "what would you do if I picked Yonsei?"

He sat there a moment looking at the ground, I grabbed his hand for some comfort.

That's when he raised his head to look at me, "I suppose I'd have to let my little girl go." He smiled at her, but I knew it was fake.

"Thanks dad" I rubbed his arm and smiled.

"You do know though where ever I go and no matter what I am doing I will always be your little girl right?"

He looked up and smiled brightly "yes, thank you for the assurance, " he said patting my hand.

I chuckled and looked over at a picture of my  mom holding me as a baby.

He caught me starring and smiled, "I miss her too you know?"

He said stroking my hair "and you look just like her from head to toe," he poked my nose which made us both laugh.

"Why did she have to go so soon?" I asked. He gave a sigh before answering, "things happen for a reason I can't explain those reasons, but they do" he kissed my forehead and pulled me into his embrace.

"I wish she was here so she could help me pick a college she always knew what to do" he laughed "she was very good at that wasn't she?"

I nodded my head. "Well, it's late and I have work in the morning get some rest," he kissed my forehead and walks to the door "good night," I waved to him "night father."

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