Chapter 16

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"Jungkook, please stop," Jin shouted as he ran after Jungkook.

Eventually Jin caught up and jumped onto Jungkook pinning him to the ground. Jungkook let out a wail of pain "get off me!"

Jin didn't listen just continued to pin him down, "you need to listen to me!"

Jungkook looked at Jin in spite "you know how I feel about Jenna, how could you do that?"

I ran out with Namjoon who ran over and pulled Jin off of Jungkook. Jungkook gets up and brushes himself off "I don't want to hear it Jin, I'm done."

Jin snorted "don't you dare, be a man Jungkook and talk it out."

Jungkook started to tear up a bit "be a man, that's rich coming from you."

"I have feelings for her as well, you knew this, I was being the bigger person by letting you go to the dance with her," Jin said.

"Alright guys, I think this is Jenna's decision not either of yours," Namjoon chimed in.

They both shoot him and look before looking at me. I just stood there in silence. I didn't know what to say nor how to react to this situation.

I had so many emotions building up at once I just couldn't think straight. I just ran off leaving them to their spat and found a ride home.

"Jenna your home early what happened?" Papa asked me as I walked in.

"I just had a rough night," I said with a shrug

Papa gave me a concerned look "what happened?"

I sat down telling them the entire event that happened. "I just couldn't handle it so I just left."

"I'm sure they will work it out, don't worry so much," papa said.

I nodded my head and went straight to my room. Giving a sigh I replayed everything that happened and how I could of handled it.
The next day

I walked to the cafeteria and looked towards the table I usually would sit at. The whole group was there besides Jungkook.

I didn't really feel like sitting there myself today. So I found an empty table, I set my tray down and began to enjoy my lunch in silence.

It didn't take long for Isabel to come visit me, "hey how are you?"

I gave a shrug "I'm holding up, how about you?"

"I'm just fine," she said "have you talked to Jin or Jungkook today?"

I shook my head "I really have nothing to say to either of them."

She nodded her head understanding why I have nothing to say to them. "I think it might help you thought," she suggested.

"I will think about it Isabel," I assured her.

After lunch I head to the library, as I was browsing for a autobiography for English I hear someone clear their throat behind me.

I look in that direction to find Jin standing there with his attention on me. "Jenna," he said softly.

I turned around and kept on walking, I really didn't have much to say. "Jenna please," Jin reaches out and grabbed my arm stopping me in my tracks.

"What?" I said shrugging his hand off.

"I'm sorry about last night," he mumbled.

I crossed my arms across my chest, "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."

He looked up at me "I tried, but he won't listen to me."

I can't say I blame him for the way he tackled him last night. I gave a sigh "meet me at my house tonight at 7, I'll invite Jungkook as well."

"Are we going to have some kind of intervention?" He asked.

I nodded my head "something like that."


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