Chapter 3

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After dinner was done, I decided to call my grandparents for some advice on which school I should choose.

I ran up to my room and dialed my grandparents number. It took three rings before my grandma answered, hearing her small cute voice filled me with joy. "Hello," she began "can I help you with something?" I looked puzzled at the phone "how did you know I needed help?" She chuckled "I just had a feeling."

I bit my lip, hesitant of asking for I didn't know how I was going to bring this up. "Is everything ok over there?" Grandma breaks the silence "oh yes, I am just um, having a hard time picking a college and was wondering if you could help?"

I heard the excitement in her voice "well of course, Which colleges are there and what are their benefits?" I paused for a minute and took a deep breath before I started telling her about Harvard then Western. "Well, they both sound lovely, but didn't you say there was a third option?" I chuckled "yes, uh I applied for a university in Korea, Yonsei, in the hopes of meeting you guys."

Silence fell between us and at that point I thought she was upset for some reason. "Grandma, did I say something wrong?"  "Oh honey, I'm so happy to hear you want to meet us I never thought you wanted to " she said through the tears.

"Why would you think a silly thing like that!?"  Grandma sighed "Linda told me you never wanted to see us after your mother died, she said it would bring bad memories since we are her parents," I froze how dare Linda say that!

"She is wrong, very wrong! You guys are all I think about and some day we will meet," I assured her. I could tell my grandma was smiling "well, I'm glad to hear I'll tell papa when I can, now on the choices of college you have to get rid of one, that way it is little bit easier to pick from two, when you do call me and talk to your father ok?"

I nodded "ok grandma, thank you, love you, bye" grandma laughed " no thank you, bye bye now." I head up to my room and open the drawer where i keep the college letters. I took a look at each of them,  I went through my thoughts again on the pros and cons. I believe I came up with a decision and walked to the trash, I decided to toss out Harvard. Leaving me with Western and Yonsei to choose from.

Now I will have to wait and ask father about these two choices, but first a little chat with Linda.

I found Linda outside in the garden, once again with earphones in. I had to tap her shoulder and thankfully she didn't jump, she took out her head phones and before she could say anything, I started in "How dare you tell my  grandparents that I never wanted to meet them!"

Linda gets up and looks confused for a bit, She eventually lets out a sigh and takes off her gloves. "I was only trying to help you, I thought seeing your grandparents would bring more pain," she finally said.

I felt my head get hot due to my annoyance with this woman. "I don't appreciate you telling my family that I don't want to see them, that is not your place," I said before walking away. I did not want to hear her excuse.

Instead I just stayed in my room for the rest of the night.

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