Chapter 14

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I walked into math class taking a seat next to Jungkook "well, looks like your  my date Jungkook," I give a nervous laugh casting my eyes down to my feet.

"You're not upset, are you Jenna?" He asked sheepishly.

I looked at him and saw his worry on his face, I give him a smile and place my hand onto his "not at all."

I arrive home and as I sat on my bed I looked over to the calendar, where I marked the day of the dance.

Oh, shoot I don't have a dress and the dance is in three days, what am I going to do?

I head down stairs "grandma, I have a bit of a problem," I said walking into the kitchen.

Grandma looked over her shoulder confused "well, what is it?"

"The dance is in three days and I haven't had the time to find a dress," i whimpered a bit "I don't know what I am going to do."

"Tell you what," grandma walked up to me "tomorrow I'll take you to the dress store."
Next Day

I meet grams out in her car "I'm excited, I don't know when the last time I had a girls day," she said cheerfully.

They turn into a medium size building with a sign that says Susie's Dresses and More.

As they walked in they were welcomed by rows of dresses, heels, purses, and more. Not long into gazing at what the store had to offer there was a petite Korean man walking up to them.

He had a measurer in his hand and before I could say anything he wrapped it around my waist "ah yes yes yes."

I looked at grandma and mouthed "what is he doing?" 

Grandma laughed and shrugged her shoulders. "You have very nice waist, tell me what's your favorite color young woman," the man finally said standing up straight.

"Aqua" I told him with that he clapped his hands and instructed them to follow him.

We followed him to the back of the store where we can across the section for blue to green dresses.

One dress did stand our to me; however when I looked at the price tag I chocked a bit. I can't afford this, let alone grandma.

The man went to a wrack and pulled out a strapless long flowing aqua dress with silver studs in the middle of it seperating the top and  the bottom.

The dress was mesmerizing, that's for sure. I just knew we wouldn't be able to afford it.

Before I could decline it the man shoved it into my chest "try it on," he demanded while pointing to a fitting room.

Without anymore hesitation, I decided to try the dress on. Before showing it to them I take a moment to admire it myself.

As I started to twirl around and have some time alone, I halted in front of the mirror.

I don't know how, but there she was, my mother. It was this very thought that had me tear up, the thought of doing this kind of thing with her. Something I will never be able to experience.

I stopped feeling sorry for myself and device to let them give their opinions.

As I stepped out all I hear were gasps of joy, "oh honey, you look beautiful!"

"That's it that's the one!" The man said assuriny.

I give a quick laugh and gave a slight twirl, grams walks up to me and takes the price tag into her hand.

I looked down at it with her 79.99, for a dress!?

"I can't afford this grams," I said quietly.

She gives me a assured look and waves her hand "nonsense, I'll buy it"

"oh no, no you can't grandma," I didn't want her buying me something she couldn't afford and something I'll most likely be wearing once.

She laughed "please I want to, your mother would want me to."

At this point I know I have lost the argument "Thank you."

We spent the rest of the day spoiling each other, it was nice for a change. To finally be able to do something with someone I thought I would never get the chance to meet.

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