Chapter 15

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My alarm went off making me jolt a bit as I woke up. I slam it off and turn on my back looking up at the ceiling, I give a slight yawn as I stretched out my joints.

I take a look at the calendar and realize today is the dance. Wow, that came pretty fast, a smile slowly formed on my face at the thought of dancing with Jungkook tonight.

I look over at the clock and decide it is time for me to get out of bed. I head into the kitchen to find grandma humming along with the radio as she cooked breakfast.

I came up behind her and gave her a slight back hug, "oh," she said a bit startled.

I gave a chuckle "sorry grams."

"That's alright," she put a pancake onto a plate "do you have time for breakfast?"

I shook my head "not this morning, sorry."

I head for the door as she called out "have a good day at school honey!"

School went by pretty fast today, I'm not sure if is because of my anticipation for the dance, but I wasn't complaining.

I get home and immediately head down to my room, "Jenna is that you?" I heard grandpa shout.

I came up to see if he needed anything "yes grandpa."

"Ah, I thought I heard something, are you getting ready for the dance?"

I nodded "yes I am."

I finished putting my dress on along with my make up; however, I was having a bit of trouble with my hair.

I head upstairs to find grandma "hey grandma?" I ask walking down towards their bedroom.

"Yes dear?" She replies cheerfully.

I peeked my head in "hey, would you mind helping me with my hair, Jungkook will be here any time now and I'm having a bit of trouble."

She laughed "of course take a seat."

I sat in front of her dresser, she grabbed her curling iron and went took my hair strand by strand and curled each one of them.

"All finished," she put the curler down and admired her work "ah, you just look beautiful my sweet child."

I blushed "thank you grandma."

The doorbell went off "oh, that must be Jungkook," I said heading out to the living room with grandma following right behind.

As I turned the corner I seen that grandpa had let Jungkook in. There he stood with his black tuxedo and his hair neatly put down.

He almost looked unreal, as soon as his eyes hit me I could tell he got a bit nervous. His face turned bright pink and he took a hard gulp.

"Ok ok, picture time," grandpa said waving to me to get close to Jungkook.

I walk up to him and say "you look handsome."

He casted his attention to his feet giving a nervous laugh "ah, thank you," he said.

He looked back up "you look wonderful Jenna."

It was my turn to blush, I linked my arm to his and we both focused on the camera.

They finally arrive at the dance, Jungkook gets out and walks over to my side to let me out.

"Thank you," I said while taking his hand.

I link my arm with his and we walked in together, it didn't take us long to find our table with the others waiting for us.

An hour went by and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I have caught Jin looking in my direction a couple of times.

I have been wanting to ask him if he wanted at least one dance, but I was to shy.

The next slow song came on and I think Jungkook also seem that Jin was staring at me a couple of times because he leaned over and asked "would you like to dance with Jin on this one?"

I looked at him "are you sure?"

He nodded "he would love it."

I gave him a hug "Jungkook, you are a sweetheart."

I walked up to Jin "hey stranger, would you like to dance?"

He looked at Jungkook then back at me "what about Jungkook?"

I chuckled grabbing his hand "he said it's ok."

I lead him to the dance floor and wrap my arms around his neck. He put his hands to my waist and pulled me close. We swayed back and forth to the music while having a good conversation.

"Ah," Jin gave a sigh "I don't want this night with you to end Jenna."

He continued to stare into my eyes "dancing with you tonight feels right."

I was cut off guard, I didn't know what to say. I opened my mouth to try to say something, but before any words could come out I felt Jin's soft plump lips come to mine.

For a minute the room stopped and it was just the two of us. I couldn't tell you how long we stayed there with our lips locked.

I pulled away for I felt this was bad timing, "I'm sorry Jin," I managed to say.

Jin opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut off by Jungkook.

"How could you!?" Jungkook shouted with tears coming down his face.

Jin and I stood there lost for words. Jin managed to stutter a bit, but before we could say anything Jungkook ran out of the building.

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