Chapter 10

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I get home and threw my bag in the corner of my room, I shuffled to my desk and took out some assignments.

As I began to start writing, my phone goes off. I take a look to see Jimin calling me.

"Hello Jimin," I answered "what's up?" " Hi Jenna," he began " The guys and I were wondering if you would like to come to the beach with us tonight?"

I gave a sigh while looking at my assignments, it is unlike me to ditch my homework for a little bit of fun.

"Well, I'm in the middle of some assignments, can I take a rain check?" I asked.

I heard not only him, but the others in the background moan in disappointment. "Jennnaaaaaa," I heard Jungkook's voice on the other end now.

I chuckled "fine, you convinced me, where is this beach?" I heard them cheer before Jimin took the phone back "we want to grab some snacks from Yoon's café, so meet us there ok?"!

"Ok, see you there," I said before hanging up. I placed my hand in my palms and gave a sigh. It won't kill me to have a little fun I guess.

I go to my closet to find my swimsuit and cover. "Hey grandma, can you take me to Yoon's café?" I asked.

She looks up from her book "what for?" I grabbed my bag "some friends invited me out." She places her book down "ok, but text me when you are ready to come home and I'll pick you up ok?"

I nodded my head in agreement. She drops me off in front of a small beige building. As I got out of the car I could smell the coffee from outside.

I went in and found a table to sit at while I waited for the group to show up.

It took them thirty minutes to show, it seems as if Jimin invited a couple of more people for a truck pulled up right after Jimin.

The group entered the small café while chuckling at something Jungkook said.

Jungkook scanned the café while laughing before he spotted me "Jenna!" Jungkook shouted with a smile.

He quickly walked up to me and without expectation to her he pulled her into a slight hug.

He quickly released her "oh I am sorry," he looked down and his cheeks began to burn red.

I chuckled "it's alright, it's a natural thing friends do," I assured him.

"Hi Jenna!" Jimin came up excitedly "since I am a friend as well, do I get a hug!?"

I laughed at his cuteness "yes, you get a hug too." She pulled him into a embrace and got a whiff of his cologne, which embodied her scenes for a slight moment.

As I released Jimin, I see Jin walking up sheepishly. "Hey Jenna, nice to see you again," he said scratching the back of his head.

I gave him a slight smile "it's nice to see you too," I was interrupted by a excited shriek.

"Jenna! So good to see you again!" Isabel ran out from behind Jin and pulled me into a embrace.

I'm not use to all this human contact, to be honest I'm surprised my anxiety hasn't indulged me.

"It's nice to see you too, Isabel," I said giving her a slight hug back.

Jungkook decided to take this time to introduce me to the rest of the group.

Jungkook walked up to the tall guy with the blonde, brushed back hair "this is Namjoon," he began "he is the smart one!"

Namjoon chuckled at his remark "nice to meet you Jenna." He gives me a slight bow and I return the bow with a smile.

He walked over and put his hand on the next guy. He had black, fluffy, and flawless hair "this is Hoseok or hobie as we call him."

Hoseok gave a big smile "Jenna, such a pretty name for a pretty girl!" He said making me slightly blush.

"Thank you  Hoseok, " I laughed biting my lip nervously.

"Last but not least," Jungkook interrupted "this is Taehyung."  He had brown hair and the most gorgeous smile.

"Well now you have met the crew, lets go!" Isabel said shoving everyone making them all laugh and trip over themselves.

They drive for about an hour until they have come to a run down building with a beach scenerie behind it.

For it being run down its beautiful! I thought. They all pile out of the car "this is where we come to hang out and mess around," Jimin said.

I walked around the car and stared at the sun set. Beautiful, it felt as if I was in a movie.

My train of thought was cut off by the group running towards the beach while cackling at each other.

I took a look towards Isabel's direction and saw her lock hands with Yoongi. Which put a smile on my face.

"Are you coming?" a voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked over my shoulder to see Jin with his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, I'm just enjoying the scenery," I said sheepishly.

He chuckled, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the beach  "well, come on, the beach waits for no one!"

(Jins point of view)

The boys started running towards the beach I was going to follow them, but then I turned around to see Jenna starring at the sky. She is really beautiful I thought.

I wish I had the courage to tell her, but we only met I don't want to scare her off.

Maybe things will work out towards the end.

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