Chapter 8

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"Jenna Jenna wake up," I heard my name and felt something wet on my forehead. As I opened my eyes I saw principle Williams holding me and Jin dabbing a wet rag to my head.

I looked up and Jin gave me a smile "Jenna are you alright, what happened!?" Principle Williams asked I shook my head you don't want to know, she thought. "Um, I guess my nerves got the best of me, you know new school in another country and all that," i laughed it off. "I can understand that one, you want to go home?" He asked her but I shook my head and tried to get up.

As I stood I seemed to lose my balance and started to fall back. Jin had pretty fast reflexes and managed to catch me before I could completely fall.  "Oh, thank you," I managed to say. He smiled at her "try to take it easy ok?" I gave him a head nod and looked to principal Williams, "May I take my walk now, I could use the air," principle Williams nodded his head "yes of course."

The weather here is amazing, not long into my walk, my phone goes off. I look down to my phone to see my father on the screen "Hello father, how's it  going?" She heard a laugh "well, hey there, going alright, how about you, you liking the school, how did your day go tell me everything."

Well for one met a cute guy and fainted in front of him, so you can say it's going great! She thought.  "It's amazing! I already met a friend, her name is Isabel," her dad laughed "well good to hear, man I wish I could see you!" I smiled "we can skype you know?" Her dad laughed "yes some other time and you can give me a tour of the school!" "Hmm, alright father I'm going to finish my walk bye, love you."

As I put my phone back into my bag I bumped into some one. "Oh I'm sorry," I managed to say, the boy turned around and gave her the cutest smile. "Oh, it's alright," he said looking her up and down. "I never saw you around here, are you new?" I nod my head and turns red he is kind of cute, why is there so many cute guys around here!?

"What's your name miss?" he asked smiling. "Jenna," I replied he gave her a bow and she gave a bow back "I'm Jeon Jungkook, but my friends call me Jungkook or Kookie, your choice," he laughs.

I give him and slight shy smile and then noticed another boy beside Jungkook. He was shorter with orange hair "Oh, where are my manners, this is my friend Jimin," He gives her a big smile "hello," he said softly and giving me a slight bow.

I smiled and gave a bow back "hello Jimin." "So, you are new here, how are you liking it so far?" Jimin asked her "it's wonderful really," Jimin and Jungkook laughed. "Has our friend Jin given you the tour yet?" Oh, of course all the cute guys around here knows each other,.

"Uh, he will tomorrow" I managed to say. "Good good, you will like him he is very nice, he is like a mother to Jungkook and I also to the rest of the group, which we will let you meet some other time, since we are friends now right?" Jimin asked sincerely.

I smiled at the fact I seem to be making friends faster here than I did at home. "Yes that would be great, thank you," I blushed a bit. Jimin laughed "People are real friendly around here, you will have lots of friends in no time," I nodded "yes, that is really nice hear," they nod their heads and give me a bow "well, talk to you some other time Jenna, nice meeting you," as they start to say goodbye Jungkook realized something "oh, here are our numbers if you want to keep in touch."

"I would love too," I said while taking the piece of paper. I guess moving to a different country means I can reinvent myself. I decided I will no long bet that shy and awkward girl, maybe I can build my confidence here.

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